10 Scrumptious Vegan Snacks to Power You Through Work

10 Scrumptious Vegan Snacks to Power You Through Work

Quite often in times of stress, worry or lethargy at work we can be left reaching for snacks. And whilst those snacks may give us a sugar rush and taste good in the moment, the likelihood is that they’re only a temporary high and soon we’ll come crashing down, back to where we started.

How to Create a Vegan Friendly Workplace

How to Create a Vegan Friendly Workplace

In January 2020 UK Vegan Charity, The Vegan Society, published measures that corporations could take to make vegan friendly workplaces. 

What they weren’t perhaps expecting was a global pandemic that would close offices around the world, and then in January of 2021, Veganuary reaching its highest number of participants since the event began. 

The 5 Best Vegan and Gluten Free Easter Eggs

The 5 Best Vegan and Gluten Free Easter Eggs

Years ago, Easter presented very slim pickings for those who were vegan/and or gluten free with a sweet tooth. At best the supermarket aisle would have a selection of one or two choices, and often the online offerings weren’t readily available either, which sometimes meant looking on with envy across the Easter holiday period.

Are there really Vegan Levels?

Are there really Vegan Levels?

The concept of vegan levels is nothing new to the longstanding vegan community. Ever since veganism surged to mainstream popularity in mid 2014, questions have been raised about whether or not there are “levels of veganism”.

7 Must Try Gluten Free Vegan Baking Recipes

7 Must Try Gluten Free Vegan Baking Recipes

Throughout 2020 home baking saw a surge in popularity with many people choosing to pick up a new skill, avoid the overcrowded supermarkets, and even keep the kids entertained!

The Best Vegan Gifts for Mother's Day

The Best Vegan Gifts for Mother's Day

In the UK, March normally provides two reasons to celebrate. Firstly: The arrival of Spring with lighter days, blossoming daffodils and birds singing, and secondly: A day to celebrate our Mums - both biological and otherwise. 

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