It’s much more than a fad. Veganism is here to stay. With more and more high-profile people becoming began, such as Lewis Hamilton and Miley Cyrus, and with the global climate thankfully becoming more of a focus, vegans are growing in numbers.

7 Reasons You Should Go vegan

Now we’re not going to preach to you on how Vegans are better than everyone else. However, there are several great reasons why you should consider going Vegan. Don’t think you won’t have much choice when it comes to tasty meals and snacks. There’s a great range out there, and its getting bigger all the time!


7 Reasons you should go vegan

Helps you Keep Fit

Lewis Hamilton and many other sports stars are switching to a vegan diet to help them keep at the top of their game. And it seems that there’s a very good reason for it. Vegans are the only group of people who, as an average, have a normal and healthy BMI. In fact, studies show, the more meat you eat, the higher the BMI.

Help the planet

This can be done in two ways. Firstly, world hunger problems could be eased if we switched away from meat. The amount of food required to produce animal products amounts to around 50% of the worldwide grain. Instead of producing farm animals for meat and dairy products, humans could instead eat that grain.

Secondly, the energy and the farm animals themselves that go into producing meat-based products has a dramatic effect on our environment. Meat production produces a vast amount of pollution, from the animals themselves through the power required for the factories.

Lower the risk of disease

Vegan diets tend to be healthy diets, containing all the nutrients our bodies require. Research shows that vegan diets are linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer.

Animal products aren’t needed

We eat animals as a legacy of the past. There isn’t any scientific evidence that shows that humans must eat meat or dairy products. We therefore don’t need to kill animals for our diet, we can live off vegan products!

There are some very tasty dishes

Going vegan can broaden your horizons, allowing you to try amazing new flavours and recipes. For example, Satay Vegan Sweet Potato curry or crispy vegan quinoa cakes. There are so many recipes out there, and a growing number of vegan restaurants with top chefs. You’ll be amazed at the flavours vegan food brings out!

Improve your mood

Farm animals are fed hormones to boost growth. That means, of course, that these hormones are then digested by humans, hormones that humans aren’t meant to consume.

These can affect your mood and overall stability. Furthermore, vegans tend to have less tension and anxiety due to their plant-based diet. The reason? Higher antioxidants in fruit and veg, plus carbohydrate rich foods such as oats and brown rice all help with our mental wellbeing.Save money!

Meat products are expensive! Whereas vegan base products such as grains, nuts and seeds can be bought in bulk for low prices, with long use by dates. Not only can you use vegan foods to make a variety of new and interesting dishes, but you’ll likely cut your weekly shopping bill in half!

Over to you!

So, there are a number of great reasons to go Vegan. You’ll be looking after the planet as well as your well-being and your wallet!

With more and more people turning to veganism each year, the number of vegan options in the supermarkets and the restaurants are also growing. So don’t think you’ll be limited to what you can eat. You’ll be able to live a healthy lifestyle whilst still enjoying a rich variety of meals and snacks.

Why not treat yourself to one of our organic vegan hampers and discover some tasty treats!


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My name is Anna and I'm the co-founder of The Goodness Project. This is a little place where we will be sharing some of the things that inspire us at The Goodness Project - the food, the brands, the people and the lifestyle. We hope you enjoy your stay! :)

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