Do not forget, it's Mother's Day next month, the 11th March to be exact, put it on your iCal, stick it on a post-it note on the fridge, but do not forget that its time to say thank you to that one person who loves you unconditionally and deserves to be spoilt rotten!
So here are some of my top gift ideas, all of which are vegan-friendly of course!
You can also browse our shop for a full range of vegan gifts.
Mother's Day Gifting Ideas - 2018




Hello & Welcome 👋

My name is Anna and I'm the co-founder of The Goodness Project. This is a little place where we will be sharing some of the things that inspire us at The Goodness Project - the food, the brands, the people and the lifestyle. We hope you enjoy your stay! :)

More gift ideas

Our most popular gift boxes

The Little Treat Box The Little Treat Box

The Little Treat Box

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Organic Wine & Dine Hamper Gift Box

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Hello and thank you for coming to find me over on my new blog. This is a little place where I will be sharing some of the things that inspire me and The Goodness Project - the food, the brands, the people and the lifestyle.

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