Privacy Policy

Hereby we inform you, as our website’s and webshop’s visitor and user of our services about our company’s privacy policy. We know that you care how information about you is used and shared and we appreciate your trust in us to do that carefully and sensibly.


What principles do we follow during data processing?


Our company follows the following principles during data management:

We use personal data lawfully and fairly, as well as in a transparent manner. We only collect personal data in accordance, for a clear and legitimate purpose and we do not misuse them. The collected and handled personal information are appropriate and relevant and is limited to the neccessary. We do every reasonable measure, that the data used by us are precise and up-to-date, data that is incorrect will be corrected or deleted without delay. Personal data is saved in a form which permits identification ofdata for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which the data were collected or for which they are further processed  We protect personal data with appropriate technical and organisational measures, to protect the data against accidental or unlawful usage, accidental loss, destruction or impairment.



How we handle your data


We collect, organise, store and use your data based on your prior informed consent and voluntary permission, and only in the required manner and always connected to the purpose. In certain cases your data’s handling is based on regulatory requirements and is obligatory, we will inform you about these cases. In certain cases handling your personal data is required to be done by us or is in the interest third party, for example, our website’s and shop’s maintenance, development, and security.


Company information

United Flow Limited

Registered office and trading address: Unit 4, Orbital Industrial Estate, Horton Road, London, UB7 8JL

Our website:


Address: Unit 4, Orbital Industrial Estate, Horton Road, London, UB7 8JL

E-mail address:

Registered number: 8408252

Our company is not required to appoint a data protection officer in accordance to the GDPR article 37

Our hosting service provider’s name, address and contact details:

Nimenor Consulting & Marketing Ltd.

Hova House, 1 Hova Villas
Brighton & Hove, BN3 3DH
United Kingdom


In order to provide our customers with a quality service, we use the following data processors:







Admiral Accounting Ltd

Legacy Centre
Hanworth Trading Estate
Hampton Road West
Feltham, Middlesex
TW13 6DH

Accounting, tax processing

Nimenor Consulting & Marketing Ltd.

Hova House, 1 Hova Villas
Brighton & Hove, BN3 3DH
United Kingdom

IT services, database maintenance and processing, issuing riports, hosting services, direct marketing

Royal Mail plc

100 Victoria Embankment London EC4Y 0HQ

Delivery company

DPD group

PO BOX 6979, Roebuck Lane, Smethwick, West Midlands, B66 1BN

Delivery company


55 rue d’Amsterdam, 75008 Paris

email marketing, online marketing


Nevada Attorney General, 555 E. Washington St., Suite 3900, Las Vegas, NV 89101

online payment

Stripe Payments Company

Suite 550, 185 Berry Street, San Francisco, CA 94117

Online card payment



In case there are changes in the group of data processors, we will reflect this in our current document.


Data handled by us:

Name of the activity and purpose of data processing


Legal base

Data handled


Website visit

The aim is to provide the working of a functional and quality website,


To monitor and correct the quality of our services,

To identify malicious visitors attacking our website,

To measure visitor numbers,

Statistic purposes


Our company’s legitimate interest

IP address

Time of visit

Data from the visited subsites

The operating system and browser used by you



1 month

Registration on the website

The goal is that our visitors receive a better user experience, notification about fallback, changes to our company’s contact details, etc.  



First name, Last name

E-mail address

Billing address

Delivery address

Phone number

Until the registration is deleted or until the contribution is withdrawn


Use of the website shop services

Aim is the registration and recording the visitors

Order processing and fulfilment,

Handling orders, invoices and deliveries,

handling of complaints, processing returns,

analysing the habits of our customers,

keeping in touch with our customers.












legislation polisy

(GDPR article 6, paragraph (1), section c)

Full name,

Phone number and e-mail address,

Details of your purchase (product, quantity, price, date and time, gift message),

Details regarding your payment (payment deadline, bank account number, bank or debit card number, ePurse, cash on delivery, etc.),

Participation in one-off or constant offers, discounts,

Data regarding delivery: delivery deadline and delivery address (Postcode, country, county, address line 1 and 2, house number)

Billing name, in case of a person full name,

Your VAT number or VAT registration number (in case these details are required for invoicing)

Billing address ((Postcode, country, county, address line 1 and 2, house number).


Undefined timeframe whilst the online shop is functioning, but latest until the data processing consent is withdrawn


Data regarding fulfilment of a contract – 5 years.

Issued invoices and documents linked to the invoice – 8 years.



E-newsletter service

Aim: keeping in touch, informing you about offers, news and our new products



Full name,

e-mail address

Until you unsubscribe from the e-newsletter

Direct marketing service

Through the analyzation of your shopping habits

We create and send personalised offers,

We contact you for   direct marketing

Sending information about the products and services carried by us.


Full name,

e-mail address

Direct marketing services until cancellation (unsubscribe)

Administration, complaint

·       Reply to feedback and complaints

·       legal obligation

·       full name

·       e-mail address

·       phone number

·       postal address

·       other personal message

·       5 years

Competition, giveaway

·       Aim: to guide the company’s course of business in a positive direction by drawing attention and give away valueable prizes

·       To increase the satisfaction of our customers


legal obligation

Depending on the competition/giveaway:

·       Full name

·       e-mail address

·       phone number

·       home address

·       for participant until the competition/giveaway is closed

·       in the winners’ case 8 years


We will only request personal information from our visitors, if they wish to register, login, shop in our online Shop or if they wish to be included in an online competition.

Personal data given at registration and during the usage of the online shop services will not be connected and the identification of our visitors is not our goal.

If you have any questions regarding our data processing, please contact us at the email-address or through our postal address. Our answer will be sent within 15 days (or at least within 1 month) to the contact address given by you.


What are cookies and how do we handle them?


Cookies are small text files, that are stored on your computer or device when you visit the website. These are downloaded and stored by your internet browser. The majority of the most used internet browsers (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) are accepting cookies download and usage automatically, however you can block or delete these in the setting of your browser, as well as delete the cookies that are already saved on your computer. You can read more information about the use of cookies in each browser’s ‘Help’ section.

There are cookies that doesn’t require your prior consent. Our website gives a short introduction about these, such as authentication, multimedia player, balancing, session and user-based security cookies.

Cookies that require your consent – in case the data processing has already started by entering the website – will have to be acknowledged before the start of your visit.

Our company doesn’t use and doesn’t allow cookies, which would allow third parties to collect your data without your consent.

Accepting the cookies isn’t mandatory, however our company doesn’t take responsibility, if our website doesn’t work properly due to the not acceptance of the cookies.


What type of cookies do we use?








Operational cookies



Not required

Firewall session cookie for the online operation, which prevents the abuse against cross-references


Securing the operation of the website

End of the browsing session

Debugging cookie



For personalisation

saving of your settings

to increase the efficiency of our services


30 days

Debugging cookie

(from third parties)




Not required

To identify new visitors and sessions, saved by Google Analytics online debugger

Connected to the the third parties services (eg. Google) during the website visit



30 days


Read more about third party cookies in detail here,   about their privacy policy here


Information about the data processing of our online Shop.

As you provide us with your personal details during registration, shopping and communication with our company, therefore we ask you to pay attention to the genuineness, correctness and promptness of the data, as you are responsible for these. Incorrect, imprecise and incomplete data can be the barrier of using our services.  

In case you provide us with other person’s details, we will assume that you have the necessary authorisation to do so.

You can always withdraw your consent of your data handling anytime free of charge

By deleting your registration, By withdrawing your consent of your data handling, and By requesting the withdrawal and deletion of consent, that was requested at registration and is necessary for data processing.


We agree to undertake the registration of the consent withdrawal – due to technical reasons – within 15 days, however, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that some data might be used after the consent withdrawal for fulfilling legal obligations or for purpose of legitimate interests.

In case of misleading personal data or if one of our visitors commit criminal offence or is attacking our company’s system, we will delete the persons data are through the deletion of their registration profile immediately, or we will keep them – if necessary – for the time of the criminal trial or identification of civil liability.


Information about direct marketing and e-newsletter data handling


With your consent during registration or later, through the changing of your personal data saved in our website shop (which means your consent is given) you approve that we use your personal details for marketing activities too.

In this case – until the consent is withdrawn – your data can be used for direct marketing and/or by sending of an e-newsletter, promotional or other items, as well as information and offers. 

You can give your consent to direct marketing and e-newsletter together or separately and you can withdraw them anytime free of charge.  

In every case, we will see a deletion of a registration profile as a withdrawal of consent. The withdrawal of the consent to direct marketing and/or e-newsletter will not be identified as the withdrawal of the consent given regarding our online shop data handling.

We agree to undertake the registration of the consent withdrawal – due to technical reasons – within 15 days.


Information about competitions/giveaways


Our company can host competitions/giveaways on an ad hoc basis, which terms and conditions will be presented in a separate policy. Our current offering and the T&Cs will always be displayed on the landing page of our website in a link at a central place


Other data handling questions  

We only forward your data in a framework determined by law, in case of our data processors, we secure this via contracts, that your personal data cannot be used for conflicting goals without your consent. Further information can be found in the 2. Paragraph.

Our company can only forward data abroad in accordance with the policies set by the GDPR. The court, the prosecutor and other authorities (e.g. Police, tax office, Information Commissioner’s Office) can contact our company to provide information, data or documents. In these cases, we have the data handling right to fulfil these obligations, however only in the manner that it necessary to fulfil the purpose of the request.

Our contributors and employees involved in the data handling and processing are entitled to know your personal data - besides the obligation for confidentiality.

We protect your personal data with appropriate technical and other measures, and we secure your data’s security, availability and protect them from illegal access, modification, damage as well as publication and any unlawful usage.

In accordance to our security questions, we would like to ask your help to protect your password used for our website and/or shop and not to share it with anyone.


What are your rights and your facilities to appeal?

About the data processing you can: request information,

request the correction, change and add to your personal data that we manage object the data handling and request the deletion of their data (except data for the neccessary data processing), appeal in front of the court bíróság előtt jogorvoslattal élhet, report a concern or start proceedings at the supervisory authority (

Supervisory Authority: Information Commissioner’s Office

Address: Information Governance department
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
SK9 5AF Phone number: 0303 123 1113 E-mail:



At your request, we provide information about your data handled by us or handled by data processors appointed by us About data, About their source, About the aims and legal base of data handling, Time frame, but if that is not possible, about the aspects of determining the time frame, The names, addresses and activities connected to data processing of the data processors The circumstances of data protection incidents, their effect and their aversion as well as the measures taken to their intervention, and The legal base and recipient of the forwarding of your personal data 

We kindly ask you, before turning to the supervisory authority or court you’re your complaint – for identification and resolving the problem as soon as possible – please contact our company.


What is the main legal policy for our activity?


regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union and the European Economic Area.  General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679


Change to the privacy policy


We reserve the right to change the current Privacy Policy, about which we will inform the affected in an appropriate manner. Information about the data handling will be published on the website.


London, 24th of May 2018

Latest update: 28th of November 2022


Terms and Conditions




This document (together with any documents referred to in it) tells you the terms and conditions upon which we sell and supply the goods and services (the ‘Products’) listed on this website (the ‘Website’) to you.


Before confirming your order please:


Read through these terms and conditions (the ‘Conditions’) and in particular our cancellations and returns policy at clause 12 and limitation of our liability and your indemnity at clause 16


Read our privacy policy regarding your personal information.


By ordering any of the Products listed on this Website, you agree to be legally bound by these Conditions. You will be unable to proceed with your purchase if you do not accept these terms and conditions as may be modified or amended and posted on this Website from time to time.


We reserve the right to revise and amend the Website, our disclaimers and the Conditions at any time without notice to you. Your continued use of the Website (or any part thereof) following a change shall be deemed to be your acceptance of such change. It is your responsibility to check regularly to determine whether we have changed these Conditions.




This Website is owned and operated by United Flow Limited (‘we’/'us’/'our’), a limited company (trading as The Goodness Project), registered in England and Wales under company number: 8408252 having our registered address at Unit 4, Orbital Industrial Estate, Horton Road, London, UB7 8JL. VAT Registration No: GB 221001394




You will be able to access parts of the Website without having to register any details with us. However, from time to time certain areas of this Website may be accessible only if you are a registered user.


You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to our Website. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access our Website through your internet connection are aware of these terms, and that they comply with them.


We make reasonable efforts to ensure that this Website is available to view and use 24 hours a day throughout each year however, this is not guaranteed. The Website may be temporarily unavailable at anytime because of: server or systems failure or other technical issues; reasons that are beyond our control; required updating, maintenance or repair.


Where possible we will try to give you advance warning of maintenance issues but shall not be obliged to do so.


You agree that email and other electronic communications can be used as a long-distance means of communication and acknowledge that all contracts, notices, information and other communications that we provide to you electronically comply with any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.


We will contact you by email or provide you with information by posting notices on our Website.




We accept orders for goods from individuals located outside the United Kingdom.




When registering on the Website you must choose a username and password. You are responsible for all actions taken under your chosen username and password.


By entering and / or registering on the Website you undertake:


That all the details you provide to us for the purpose of registering on the Website and purchasing the Products are true, accurate, current and complete in all respects


To notify us immediately of any changes to the information provided on registration or to your personal information


That you are over 18 or if under 18 you have a parent or guardian’s permission to register with and purchase the Products from this Website in conjunction with and under their supervision


To only use the Website using your own username and password


To make every effort to keep your password safe


Not to disclose your password to anyone


To change your password immediately upon discovering that it has been compromised


To neither transfer or sell your username or password to anyone, nor permit, either directly or indirectly, anyone other than you to use them


You authorise us to transmit your name, address and other personal information supplied by you (including updated information) to obtain information from third parties about you, including, but not limited to, credit reports and so that we may authenticate your identity.


We reserve the right to terminate an agreement formed with you pursuant to clause 9 below and to suspend or terminate your access to the Website immediately and without notice to you if:


You fail to make any payment to us when due


You breach these Conditions (repeatedly or otherwise)


You are impersonating any other person or entity


When requested by us to do so, you fail to provide us within a reasonable time with sufficient information to enable us to determine the accuracy and validity of any information supplied by you, or your identity


We suspect you have engaged, or are about to engage, or have in anyway been involved, in fraudulent or illegal activity on the Website




To be eligible to purchase the Products on this Website and lawfully enter into and form contracts with us, you must:


Be 18 years of age or over


Be legally capable of entering into a binding contract


Provide full details of an address for delivery of goods and, if purchasing services, an address 


If you are under 18, you may only use the Website in conjunction with, and under the supervision of, a parent or guardian. If you do not qualify, you must not use our Website.




The prices of the Products are quoted on the Website.


Prices quoted are for delivery (in the case of goods) and for performance (in the case of services) unless otherwise specified.


Unless otherwise stated, the prices quoted include delivery costs (in the case of goods) and include VAT.


We reserve the right, by giving notice to you at any time before delivery or performance of our obligations to you, to increase the price of the Products to reflect any increase in the cost to us due to any factor beyond our control (such as without limitation, any foreign exchange fluctuation, significant increase in the costs of labour, materials or other costs of manufacture). In the unlikely event of this occurring, you shall be entitled to cancel the order at any time before delivery of the goods and/or we have commenced providing the services.




Payment can be made by any major credit or debit card or through an electronic payment account as explained on the order form.


By placing an order, you consent to payment being charged to your debit/credit card account or electronic payment account as provided on the order form.


Payment will be debited and cleared from your account before the dispatch of the goods or provision of the service to you.


When you pay for your order by card, we carry out certain checks which include obtaining authorisation from your card issuer to ensure you have adequate funds and for security reasons. This may involve validating your name, address and other personal information supplied by you during the order process against appropriate third party databases including the card issuer, registered credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies.


By accepting these Conditions you:


Undertake that all the details you provide to us for the purpose of purchasing the Products are correct and that the payment card you are using is your own and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of the Products ordered


Undertake that any and all Products ordered by you are for your own private or domestic use only and not for resale


Authorise us to transmit the payment and delivery information provided by you during the order process (included any updated information) for the purpose of obtaining authorisation from your card issuer to ensure you have adequate funds, to authenticate your identity, to validate your payment card and for other security reasons, such as fraud prevention


We shall contact you should any problems occur with the authorisation of your card.


We will take all reasonable care, in so far as it is in our power to do so, to keep the details of your order and payment secure, but in the absence of negligence on our part, we cannot be held liable for any loss you may suffer if a third party procures unauthorised access to any data you provide when accessing or ordering from our Website.




All orders are subject to acceptance and availability. If any Product ordered are not available, you will be notified by email and you will have the option either to wait until the item is available or to cancel your order. It is your responsibility to provide us with a valid email address so that we can contact you if necessary. We reserve the right to replace any out-of-stock item from a hamper/gift box with a similar item of equal or higher value.


Any order placed by you constitutes an offer to purchase the Products from us. All such offers received from you are subject to acceptance by us and we reserve the right to refuse any order placed by you at any time prior to acceptance, without providing an explanation.


You shall be responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the details provided by you during the order process and we will not accept an order unless all details requested from you have been entered correctly.


You agree that if we contact you to acknowledge receipt of your order such communication shall not amount to our acceptance of your offer to purchase the Products ordered by you from the Website.


A contract between you and us (the ‘Contract’) incorporating these Conditions will only subsist after we have debited your payment card and have confirmed that we have dispatched the goods and/or shall be providing the requested service. We will send you an email to confirm this (a ‘Confirmation Notice’). The Confirmation Notice will amount to an acceptance of your offer to buy the Products from us. The Contract will only be formed when we send you the Confirmation Notice (whether or not you receive it).


Where we agree to supply Products to you permanently or on an ongoing (continuous) basis, such as by subscription, they shall be provided for a minimum fixed period of time (the ‘Minimum Duration’). The length of the Minimum Duration will depend on which package or product you have selected to purchase and is provided on the Website.


The Contract will relate only to the Products stated in the Confirmation Notice. We will not be obliged to supply any other Products which may have been part of your order until we have sent you a separate Confirmation Notice relating to it.


You must check that the details contained in the Confirmation Notice are correct and you save and keep a copy of it.


You will be subject to the version of our policies and Conditions in force at the time that you order the Products from us, unless:


Any change to those policies or these Conditions is required to be made by law or governmental authority


We notify you of any change to our policies or these Conditions before we send you the Confirmation Notice, in which case, we are entitled to assume that you have accepted it, unless we receive written notification from you to the contrary within seven working days of receipt of the Confirmation Notice




The Products will be delivered to you at the delivery address you provided during the order process. You may change this address before dispatch by emailing us at with the new/correct address. 


We employ professional carriers. Nevertheless, you must examine the goods on arrival. If you are asked for your signature on delivery, you must examine the goods before signing for it.


All goods must be signed for by an adult aged 18 years or over on delivery.


Any dates quoted for delivering the goods and/or completing performance of the service are approximate only. If no date is specified then it will take place within 30 days or a reasonable time of the date of the Confirmation Notice, unless there are exceptional circumstances.


All our delivery dates are estimates and we cannot guarantee specific deadlines, except for Guaranteed Delivery. Delivery delays caused by Royal Mail (or any subsequent courier used by them in order to fulfill their delivery obligations) are outside of our control and we are therefore unable to accept accountability or offer a refund.


All attempts will be made to deliver to the address and postcode as you have entered it. We are unable to accept liability for late or failed delivery due to incorrect or inaccurate information. Please ensure all address details are accurate and correct to ensure prompt delivery.


For Christmas deliveries, we recommend that you check our Website for the last date of delivery. We will endeavor to dispatch all goods that are in stock within 24 hours. However, we cannot guarantee delivery by 24th of December.


If an order is returned to us as a result of either an incorrect address, refusal to accept the delivery or failure to acknowledge cards left by delivery companies, the customer will be responsible for any additional redelivery costs incurred or we can issue a full refund excluding the original delivery cost once we have received the goods back. We reserve the right not to contact you in case of a returned order.




The goods will be at your risk from the time of delivery.


Ownership of the goods will only pass to you when we receive full payment of all sums due in respect of them including the cost of delivery (in the case of goods).




Cancelling ongoing services


Some of the services that we provide are available for either a fixed period (3 and 6 month pre-paid subscriptions) or unspecified period of time (such as our Monthly subscription). In this clause these services are referred to respectively as ‘Ongoing Fixed Term Services’ and ‘Ongoing Non-Fixed Term Services’.


Although you may notify us of your intention to cancel an Ongoing Non-Fixed Term Services at any time, such notice can only take effect after the Minimum Duration (one month) has elapsed. You may cancel the Ongoing Non-Fixed Term Services anytime after the Minimum Duration has passed by logging in to your Account and cancelling it online or sending an email to Your cancellation email must quote your name, address, the name or a description of the Products and your order reference number.


If you cancel the Ongoing Fixed Term Services you will continue to receive the goods until the pre-paid Fixed Term period ends. You can stop receiving the goods by sending us an email to, however no refund will be processed. Your email must quote your name, address, the name or a description of the Products and your order reference number.


You must give us a cancellation notice 1 day before your next renewal is due. If we receive the cancellation notice after your renewal order has been created, the cancellation of Ongoing Services will come into action the following month.


You may cancel or amend an order at any time before it has been processed for shipping.

Damaged, faulty or wrongly delivered goods


We will offer you a refund of the full purchase price, including the cost of delivery for sending the goods to you, and the cost of returning the goods to us, provided that you return the goods to us and the conditions set out in paragraph 12.5.2. are met. We must also be reasonably satisfied that:

the goods have not suffered damage after delivery;

the goods have not been misused or used other than in accordance with the instructions; and

the problem is not due to normal wear and tear.


You must give us a cancellation notice one day before your Renewal order. If we receive the cancellation notice after your Renewal order, the cancellation of Ongoing Services will come into action the following month.


In addition to the requirements of paragraph 12.5.1, the goods in terms of which you are claiming a refund must have:

been damaged on delivery;

been delivered in a faulty condition;

have been delivered to you in error.


Alternatively, at our option, instead of a refund (and subject to returning the goods as required under this clause) we will replace the goods with the same or a similar product (subject to stock availability).


Sometimes the product specifications from the manufacturer may change, in which case, if you request a replacement, we will do our best to offer you a substitute of the same or better quality at the same price.


In order to claim a refund or replacement item please send us a notice as soon as you become aware of a problem and no later than 7 working days after receipt or the fault developing by email to Your notice must quote your name, address, the name or a description of the goods, a brief description and photograph of the problem, fault or damage and your order reference number.


Upon receiving your notice, we will contact you and provide details of where you must return the goods and other relevant instructions. You must then immediately return the goods to us.


Incorrectly priced or described Products


Whilst we try and ensure that all the information on our Website is accurate, errors may occur. In the unlikely event that the price and/or description of an item listed on the Website has been incorrectly advertised, we will not be under any obligation to sell or provide those Products to you.


If we discover the error before sending you a Confirmation Notice we will at our discretion, either reject your order and notify you of such rejection, or inform you as soon as possible and give you the option of cancelling your order or reconfirming it at the correct price and/or description. If we give you the option of cancelling your order or reconfirming it at the correct price and/or description but either cannot contact you or do not receive your response within 7 days of sending you notification (whether or not you receive it), we will reject your order.


If we discover the error after sending you a Confirmation Notice we may, at our discretion and without incurring any liability to you, cancel the Contract provided that the error is, in our reasonable opinion, obvious and unmistakable and could have reasonably been recognised by you. We will notify if we cancel the Contract.


If your order is cancelled or rejected and you have already paid for the Products, you will receive a full refund in accordance with clause 12.4.


While every care has been taken to ensure product information is correct, food products are constantly being reformulated, so ingredients, nutrition content, dietary and allergens may change. You should always read the product label and not rely solely on the product information provided on the website. We won't be held responsible for any errors.


Processing refunds



We will examine any returned goods and will notify you about your refund or replacement item via email within a reasonable period of time. We will usually process a refund or delivery of a replacement item as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 days of the day we confirmed to you via email that you are entitled to it. Refunds will be made by crediting the payment card or electronic payment account you used to purchase the goods.


We reserve the right to refuse to issue a refund or replacement and to recover the cost of returning or collecting the goods in the event that the goods are found to have suffered damage after delivery or have been misused or used other than in accordance with the instructions or if the problem is due to normal wear and tear or if the goods have not been returned with its original packaging. This does not affect your statutory rights.



We will notify you about your refund via email within a reasonable period of time. We will usually process a refund as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 days of the day we confirmed to you via email that you are entitled to a refund. Refunds will be made by crediting the payment card or electronic payment account you used to purchase the services.


E-gift cards are non-refundable.




If you have a comment, concern or complaint about any Products you have purchased from us, please contact us via email at




The content of the Website is protected by copyright (including design copyrights), trade marks, patent, database and other intellectual property rights and similar proprietary rights which include, (without limitation), all rights in materials, works, techniques, computer programs, source codes, data, technical information, trading business brand names, goodwill, service marks utility models, semi-conductor topography rights, the style or presentation of the goods or services, creations, inventions or improvements upon or additions to an invention, confidential information, know-how and any research effort relating to United Flow Limited (trading as The Goodness Project), moral rights and any similar rights in any country (whether registered or unregistered and including applications for and the right to apply for them in any part of the world) and you acknowledge that the intellectual property rights in the material and content supplied as part of the Website shall remain with us or our licensors.


You may download or copy the content and other downloadable items displayed on the Website subject to the condition that the material may only be used for personal non-commercial purposes. Copying or storing the contents of the Website for other than personal use is expressly prohibited.


You may retrieve and display the content of the Website on a computer screen, store such content in electronic form on disk (but not any server or other storage device connected to a network) or print one copy of such content for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all and any copyright and proprietary notices. You may not otherwise reproduce, modify, copy or distribute or use for commercial purposes any of the materials or content on the Website.


You acknowledge that any other use of the material and content of this Website is strictly prohibited and you agree not to (and agree not to assist or facilitate any third party to) copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, display, distribute, commercially exploit or create derivative works from such material and content.


No licence is granted to you in these Conditions to use any of our trade marks or those of our affiliated companies.


Products sold by us and Website content may be subject to copyright, trade mark or other intellectual property rights in favour of third parties. We acknowledge those rights.




You are permitted to use the Website and the material contained in it only as expressly authorised by us and in accordance with these terms and conditions, as may be amended from time to time without notice to you.


We provide access and use of the Website on the basis that we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions to the maximum extent permitted by law.


We reserve the right to:


Make changes to the information or materials on this Website at any time and without notice to you.


Temporarily or permanently change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Website, including the availability of any features, information, database or content or restrict access to parts of or the entire Website without notice or liability to you or any third party.


Refuse to post material on the Website or to remove material already posted on the Website


You may not use the Website for any of the following purposes:


Disseminating any unlawful, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material


Transmitting material that encourages conduct that constitutes a criminal offence, results in civil liability or otherwise


Breaching any applicable local, national or international laws, regulations or code of practice


Gaining unauthorised access to other computer systems


Interfering with any other person’s use or enjoyment of the Website


Breaching any laws concerning the use of public telecommunications networks


Interfering with, disrupting or damaging networks or websites connected to the Website


Utilisation of data mining, robots or similar data gathering and extraction tools to extract (whether once or many times) for re-utilisation of any substantial parts of the Website


To transmit, or procure the sending of, any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation


To create and/or publish your own database that features all or substantial parts of the Website


Making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of materials protected by copyright without the prior permission of the owner


In addition, you must not:


Knowingly introduce viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful to the Website


Attempt to gain unauthorised access to the Website, the server on which the Website is stored or any server, computer or database connected to it


Attack the Website via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack


Damage or disrupt any part of the Website, any equipment or network on which the Website is stored or any software used for the provision of the Website


A breach of this clause may be a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We may report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and disclose your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use the Website will cease immediately.




Notwithstanding any other provision in the Conditions, nothing will affect or limit your statutory rights; or will exclude or limit our liability for:


Death or personal injury resulting from our negligence


Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation


Action pursuant to section 2(3) of the Consumer Protection Act 1987


Any matter for which it would be unlawful for us to exclude or attempt to exclude our liability


The Website is provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis without any representation or endorsement made and we make no warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise (unless otherwise expressly stated in these Conditions or required by law) in relation to the information, materials, content or services found or offered on the Website for any particular purpose or any transaction that may be conducted on or through the Website including but not limited to, implied warranties of non-infringement, compatibility, timeliness, performance, security, accuracy, condition or completeness, or any implied warranty arising from course of dealing or usage or trade custom.


We will not be liable if the Website is unavailable at any time.


We make no representation or warranty of any kind express or implied statutory or otherwise regarding the availability of the Website or that it will be timely or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Website or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs.


We will not be responsible or liable to you for any loss of content or material uploaded or transmitted through the Website and we accept no liability of any kind for any loss or damage resulting from action taken in reliance on material or information contained on the Website.


We cannot guarantee and cannot be responsible for the security or privacy of the Website and any information provided by you. You must bear the risk associated with the use of the internet. In particular, we will not be liable for any damage or loss caused by a distributed denial-of-service attack, any viruses trojans, worms, logic bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful that may infect your computer, peripheral computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material as a result of your use of the Website or you downloading any material posted or sold on the Website or from any website linked to it.


We will use all reasonable endeavours to carry out our obligations within a reasonable period of time but will not be liable to you for any loss, costs or expenses arising directly or indirectly from any delays in doing so.


We will not be liable, in contract or tort (including, without limitation, negligence), or in respect of pre-contract or other representations (other than fraudulent misrepresentations) or otherwise for:


any economic losses (including without limitation loss of revenues, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings and any other consequential loss); or


any loss of goodwill or reputation; or


any special or indirect losses; or


any loss of data; or


wasted management or office time; or


any other loss or damage of any kind suffered or incurred arising out of or in connection with the provision of any matter under these Conditions and/or the Contract and/or the use of this Website or any aspect related to your purchase of the Products even if such losses are foreseeable or result from a deliberate breach of these Conditions by us that would entitle you to terminate the Contract between us or as a result of any action we have taken in response to your breach of these Conditions. Without prejudice to the terms of this clause and in the event that we are unable to rely upon it, our liability for all and any losses you suffer as a result of us breaking the Contract, whether or not deliberate, including those listed in clauses 16.8.1 to 16.8.6, is strictly limited to the purchase price of the Products you purchased.


You agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold us, and our officers, directors, employees and suppliers, harmless immediately on demand, from and against all claims, including but not limited to losses (including loss of profit, revenue, goodwill or reputation), costs and expenses, including reasonable administrative and legal costs, arising out of any breach of these Conditions by you, or any other liabilities arising out of your use of this Website or any other person accessing the Website using your personal information with your authority.


This clause does not affect your statutory rights as a consumer, nor does it affect your contractual cancellation rights.




We shall have no liability for delays or failures in delivery or performance of our obligations to you resulting from any act, events, omissions, failures or accidents that are outside of our control (‘Force Majeure’), which, without limitation, include:


Strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action


Shortages of labour, fuel, power, raw materials


Late, defective performance or non-performance by suppliers


Private or public telecommunication, computer network failures or breakdown of equipment


Civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war.


Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster or extreme weather conditions.


Impossibility of the use of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other means of public or private transport.


Acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restrictions of any government


Other causes, beyond our reasonable control


Our performance will be deemed to be suspended for the period that the event of Force Majeure continues, and we will have an extension of time for performance for the duration of that period. We will use our reasonable endeavours to minimise any delay caused by Force Majeure or to find a solution by which our obligations may be performed despite the Force Majeure event. We shall promptly notify you of any Force Majeure event giving details of it and (where possible) the extent and likely duration of any delay.


Where the period of non-performance or delay in relation to any event of Force Majeure exceeds 30 days from the date of notice to you of the event of Force Majeure, either you or us may, by written notice to the other, terminate the Contract with immediate effect upon service.




We shall be entitled to process your data in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy. Please view this document for further information. All information provided by you will be treated securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (as amended).


You can find full details of our Privacy Policy on the Website.




Except for our affiliates, directors, employees or representatives, a person who is not a party to the Contract has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of the Contract but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party that exists or is available apart from that Act.




To provide increased value and convenience to our users, we may provide links to other websites or resources for you to access at your sole discretion and risk. You acknowledge and agree that, as you have chosen to enter the linked website we are not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and do not review or endorse and are not responsible or liable in any way, whether directly or indirectly, for:


The privacy practices of such websites


The content of such websites, including (without limitation) any advertising, content, products, goods or other materials or services on or available from such websites or resources


The use which others make of these websites; or


Any damage, loss or offence caused or alleged to be caused to you, arising from or in connection with the use of or reliance upon any such advertising, content, products, goods, materials or services available on and/or purchased by you from such external websites or resources




You must not create a link to the Website from another website, document or any other source without first obtaining our prior written consent.


Any agreed link must be:


To the Website’s homepage


Established from a website or document that is owned by you and does not contain content that is offensive, controversial, infringes any intellectual property rights or other rights of any other person or does not comply in any way with the law in the UK and the law in any country from which they are hosted


Provided in such a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it


Established in such a way that does not suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists


We have no obligation to inform you if the address of the Website home page changes and it is your responsibility to ensure that any link you provide to our homepage is at all times accurate.


We reserve the right to withdraw our consent without notice and without providing any reasons for withdrawal. Upon receiving such notice you must immediately remove the link and inform us once this has been done.




All notices given by you to us must be given to us by using We may give notice as described in clause 3


Notice will be deemed received and properly served up to 2 working days after an email is sent.




The Contract represents the entire agreement between us in relation to the subject matter of the Contract and supersedes any prior agreement, understanding or arrangement between us, whether oral or in writing.


We each acknowledge that, in entering into a Contract, neither of us has relied on any express or implied representation, undertaking or promise given by the other from anything said or written in any negotiations between us prior to such Contract except as has been expressly incorporated in such Contract.


Neither of us shall have any remedy in respect of any untrue statement made by the other, whether orally or in writing, prior to the date of any Contract (unless such untrue statement was made fraudulently) and the other party’s only remedy shall be for breach of contract as provided in these Conditions.




We reserve the right to change the domain address of this Website and any services, products, product prices, product specifications and availability at any time.


All prices and descriptions supersede all previous publications. All product descriptions are approximate.


Every effort is made to keep information regarding stock availability on the Website up to date. However, we do not guarantee that this is the case, or that stock will always be available. 


If any provision of these terms and conditions is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of the Contract and the remainder of the provision in question will not be affected.


All Contracts are concluded and available in English only.


If we fail, at any time during the term of a Contract, to insist upon strict performance of any of your obligations under it or any of these terms and conditions, or if we fail to exercise any of the rights or remedies to which we are entitled under the Contract, this shall not constitute a waiver of such rights or remedies and shall not relieve you from compliance with your obligations.


A waiver by us of any default shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent default.


No waiver by us of any of these Conditions or of any other term of a Contract shall be effective unless it is expressly stated to be a waiver and is communicated to you in writing in accordance with clause 3


Any Contract between you and us is binding on you and us and on our respective successors and assigns. You may not transfer, assign, charge or otherwise dispose of the Contract, or any of your rights or obligations arising under it, without our prior written consent. We may transfer, assign, charge, sub-contract or otherwise dispose of a Contract, or any of our rights or obligations arising under it, at any time during the term of the Contract.


YOUR MATERIAL AND CONDUCT    25.1 Other than personally identifiable information, which is covered under the Privacy Policy any material you transmit or post to this Website will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. We will have no obligations with respect to such material. We and our nominees will be free to copy, disclose, distribute, incorporate and otherwise use such material and all data, images, sounds, text and other things embodied therein for any and all commercial or non-commercial purposes.  25.2 In using the Photo Upload facility on the Website, you agree not to upload or print any images that will cause distress or offence to any person or which contains material as set out in clause 25.5. It is your responsibility to ensure that express permission for any images you use has been granted by the owner of any image.  25.3 We reserve the right to refuse to process any order that may cause offence or distress to others and in such a case we will refund any payment made. We will not be responsible for any copyright infringement by the customer.  25.4 We will not be responsible or liable to you for any loss of material uploaded or transmitted through our Website. 25.5 You are prohibited from posting or transmitting to or from this Website any material:  (a) that is threatening, defamatory, obscene, indecent, seditious, offensive, pornographic, abusive, liable to incite racial hatred, discriminatory, menacing, scandalous, inflammatory, blasphemous, in breach of confidence or in breach of privacy; (b) for which you have not obtained all necessary licences and/or approvals; (c) which constitutes or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise be contrary to the law of or infringe the rights of any third party, in the UK or any other country in the world; or  (d) which is technically harmful (including, without limitation, computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software or harmful data).  25.6 We will fully co-operate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity or locate anyone posting any material in breach of the clauses of above. 



The Website is controlled and operated in the United Kingdom.


Every purchase you make shall be deemed performed in England and Wales.


The Conditions and any Contract brought into being as a result of usage of this Website will be governed by the laws of England and Wales and you irrevocably agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Partner with us

Get your products into The Goodness Project boxes

We are always looking for sustainable brands and businesses with outstanding natural, healthy products. Think of us as a bridge between you and your new potential customers. Partnering with us will enable you to get your products straight into the hands of your target market and our enthusiastic, loyal members will experience your products first-hand. Whether you decide to feature your products in the Goodness box or showcase them in the Gift Shop, there are many great benefits:

We do not charge you to be in the box and it is also hassle free. Just supply us with a number of products/samples/vouchers and if you fit with our selection process we will find the best option to feature your brand and products. Besides targeted advertisement, your brand can get exposure through our extensive social media channels. You can also boost your sales by getting a spot in our Gift Shop, which basically functions as a 24-hour online shop. Last but not least, every year we donate 1% of our net profit to a customer-voted charity, so your business will help a good cause.

Apply below to reach our community of members that use The Goodness Project to discover good-for-you, healthy alternatives. If you feel that there is not enough space for you and that you have much more to say, please drop us a line at hello[at] We aim to get back in touch with you asap, however it may not always possible to reply to everyone.

Want to send us some samples to let your products do the talking? Pop them in the post to The Goodness Project, Unit 4, Orbital Industrial Estate, London, UB7 8JL.

Discover a healthier you


Get inspired! Gift good & Feel good

See more Shop now



Discover a Goodness box that suits you

Each month we send out our carefully curated Subscription boxes filled with exceptional vegan and gluten-free food.

Discover healthy alternatives that are high in quality and a better and safer choice, while saving you time and energy!

High-quality products that you will love Exciting new selection delivered every month  Cancel anytime

Get your box

The Flow: Join


Join us and try new healthy and natural products every month. 

Choose between three box varieties:

Classic, Vegan and Gluten-free.

Pick your size: Mini or Maxi. The Mini box has 5-6 items, offering a nice selection of natural products every month. The Maxi has 8-10 products and it contains more full-size and exclusive products.

Pick your plan: Select the length of your subscriptions. You can have a rolling monthly or save money with our prepaid 3 and 6-month subscriptions.

The Flow: Discover and Enjoy

Discover and Enjoy

We read all the labels for you and hand-pick the latest healthy, vegan and natural products that are good for you, your family and the planet. After joining us, all you need to do is sit back and wait for your goodies to be delivered to your door.

The Flow: Share


Everything is better when it's shared. With 1% of our net profit going to the charity of your choice, each purchase is helping a good cause. We encourage you to share your box with friends and family, so even more people get involved with the goodness project.

Love Notes: Sophie

Love Notes: Sophie

I have to say I was very impressed with my first box. It was absolutely full to the brim and I enjoyed every single product. Great value for money, thank you guys!

Sophie via Twitter
Love Notes: Laila Daho

Love Notes: Laila Daho

What I love most about the Goodness Project is that they have thought about so many different aspects when putting their boxes together! From healthy snacks to treats to beauty products, complete and utter geniuses.

Laila via Instagram

Product row information 1

Free gift message

Personalize your gift with a free gift message or a handwritten photo card! Simply type your message at the checkout and we'll print your message on our card or choose an exclusive photo gift card and we'll handwrite the gift message inside for the perfect personal touch to any gift. 

Carefully hand-packed hampers

Our unique gift boxes are individually hand-packed using crisp tissue paper and finished off with a raffia or hand tied satin ribbon making them a sheer joy to receive. We don't include any invoices with your gift so don't worry - your gift recipient will not see order details or pricing.

Sustainable packaging

We've designed our packaging to take great care of the products and reduce the environmental impact at the same time. Our packaging is made from 100% recycled materials and is fully recyclable. 

Choose your Goodness box

Subscription boxes Choose your Goodness box

You are one step away from your exciting food discovery journey! Each Goodness box will introduce you to the latest health products that are high quality and give the inspiration to eat well & live better. Our subscription packages also make perfect gifts, that keeps on giving!

The Goodness Way

30-day Feel Good Guarantee

At The Goodness Project we want you to be happy with our products and feel good about the shopping experience. If there are any problems with your order, please contact our friendly team and we will do our best to make things right for you. 

Unique hampers for every occasion

We read all the labels for you and hand-pick the latest natural free-from products that are good for you, your family, and the planet. We also offer various personalization options, such as photo cards or hamper embossing - find these options at the checkout. After ordering, all you need to do is sit back and wait for your goodies to be delivered to you/the recipient. Take advantage of our advanced ordering option and schedule the gift to arrive on your preferred date.

Plant a tree with us

Did you know that every purchase is enabling us to plant a tree in our Ecologi forest? Your order will not only delight a loved one, but it will also help us fund a huge range of leading climate solutions. Buy a Goodness gift for a better and greener tomorrow and see your tree grow here.

Charity of the Month

Every month we choose a charity to support. 

See the previous month's charities below:

July 2022 - Camp Beagle

August 2022 - Saving and Rehoming Strays

September 2022 - The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

October 2022 - SOBS

November 2022 - The Chester Vegan Project

December 2022 - Sykes Cottages Fundraiser supporting 

Changing Lives Together Cumbria Youth Zone Partneriaeth Awyr Agored Saint Catherine’s Hospice Suffolk Community Foundation Marie Curie The Wave Project

January 2023 - The Trussell Trust 

February 2023 - KCL Charity Raffle British Skin Foundation

March 2023 - If U Care Share Foundation

April 2023 - International Animal Rescue

May 2023 - Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust

June 2023 - If U Care Share Foundation

July 2023 - First Steps

August 2023 - Warpaws

September 2023 - Macmillian / The Trussell Trust through Leaders Romans Group Annual Charity Quiz Night

October 2023 - Pennypaws Rescue UK

November 2023 - The Vegan Society

December 2023 - College Park School

January 2024 - The Trussell Trust

February 2024 - Foodbank @ The Living Room

March 2024 - Matt's Mission

April 2024 - Mencap

May 2024 - Bernardo's

June 2024 - Saving and Rehoming Strays SCIO

July 2024 - The Farm Animal Sanctuary

August 2024 - Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

September 2024 - ABC Book Club

Welcome to our support


How can I be involved with The Goodness Project Community?

Once you receive your Goodness box, the journey will have only just begun! Be sure to check out the online blog for even more recipes and expert tips. We’d love to see what you like! You can share your experiences using #TheGoodnessProject on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Add #MyGoodnessBox hashtag too, to win our monthly giveaway!


How does the subscription work?

We offer a monthly recurring subscription, as well as a 3-month and a 6-month subscription. There is no commitment as you can cancel anytime. You can also purchase a one-off Goodness Box in the Gift Shop to give us a try or you can gift it with your personal message to share all the goodness with a loved one.

Do I have to reorder my Goodness box every month or will my plan renew itself?

Monthly subscribers:
To make sure you never miss all of our delicious and unique boxes, your subscription will automatically renew every month. The only way to stop receiving your boxes would be to cancel your subscription (which you can do at any time) – we hope you won’t!

3 and 6-month subscribers:
For these subscriptions, you would prepay for your plan and receive Goodness boxes for 3 and 6 months. After that you have to renew your plan to continue getting the flow of goodness.

Can I change between plans?

Monthly subscribers:
Yes, it’s easy. Just log in to ‘My Account’, cancel your current subscription and sign up again to your preferred plan.

3 and 6-month subscribers:
Unfortunately it is not possible to switch between plans.

How do I cancel my subscription?

We would hate to see you leave, but we understand if you are moving to a sunnier place ;)

Monthly subscribers:
Just log in to your account and cancel your monthly subscription by pressing the ‘Cancel’ button. Please make sure to cancel your subscription one day before your subscription renews itself. You can find the renewal date in ‘My Account’ next to your order. Please note that we are unable to issue refunds for renewal orders after cancellation.

3 and 6-month subscribers:
These plans are prepaid and we are unable to offer cancellation/refund on them. You will receive our boxes until your plan ends.

Do I get to choose what is in my Goodness box?

Oh, please don’t spoil the fun! Think of the Goodness Project box as a surprise that comes to you each month with wholesome, natural products to discover. We can assure you that each month we make a great choice according to our strict selection process, so you will get the best natural foods and snacks, occasional beauty products too. You can, however, choose between three varieties: classic, vegan, or gluten-free. Still want a sneak peek? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get our latest news first!

Will I receive duplicates every month?

We are proud of the fact, that since we have launched in October 2013, we have never included the same product in our subscription boxes. This is our guarantee that you will never receive the same items twice! We constantly search the health market for the latest natural products, meaning every edition will be fresh and unique, always a joy to discover.

Are all the products vegetarian/vegan?

Our Classic box is vegetarian and most of product are usually vegan-friendly too. If you follow a vegan lifestyle, we recommend to sign up to our vegan box. 

Are the products tested on animals?

Our mission is to introduce you to exceptional products safer and better for you, your family and your planet. That is why we only work with companies and brands that stay true to our ethos and produce in a sustainable and ethical way. None of the products have been tested on animals; only we did some testing in our office. :)

Do you have a box that is gluten-free and vegan?

Unfortunately we don't have a vegan gluten-free subscription at the moment, but most products in our boxes are vegan as well as gluten-free. Please keep an eye out: as we grow, our goal is to launch these special boxes. In a meantime please check out our Gift Shop, where you can find some amazing vegan gluten-free hampers.

I just signed up! When will I receive my first box?

Your first Goodness box will arrive depending on the date on which you signed up. All subscription boxes ship between the 1- 5th of each month from London and should arrive an estimated 2-3 business days after the dispatch date. You will receive an email once we dispatch your box and we are also communicating the exact dispatch date on our social media sites. Example: If you've placed your order between the 1-30th of September, your first Goodness box will be shipped between 1-5th of October.

Can I track my delivery?

Not at the moment, but we use Royal Mail Tracked delivery service so that we can make sure your Goodness box gets to you. Don’t forget that we can also ship to your work address if that is more convenient for you.

Where do you deliver?

The Goodness Project delivers everywhere in the UK and we also offer worldwide shipping. 

International delivery: To keep shipping costs down we do not use a tracked International service, so we are unable to provide a tracking number for your order. If your order does not arrive within 10 working days of receiving the dispatch confirmation email, please check at your local sorting office to see if it has been returned there, and contact us if it is still missing. Please note that we are unable to re-send parcels to international customers and can only offer a refund for the goods (ex. shipping costs) once the parcel is returned to us.

With this in mind, please be aware that you, or whoever the lucky recipient might be, may have to pay Import Duty or a Formal Customs Entry Fee upon, or prior to, delivery. If you're unsure how this will affect the overall cost of your order, please check your Local Legislation rules.

How do I change my shipping/billing address?

We would like to make this important change ourselves to make sure your Goodness box gets to you – Please email us at hello[at] before the 1st of the month and our Customer Care team will update your address.

When do I get billed?

Monthly subscribers:
You will always be billed on the same day each month, based on the date of your first sign up. For example, if you signed up on the 15th of September, you will be billed on the day you sign up, you will be shipped October’s box and be billed again on the 15th of October for the November box.

3 and 6-month subscribers:
You have signed up for a fixed-term subscription, so you will be billed once on the day when you signed up. 3 and 6-month subscriptions do not automatically renew, so if you wish to go with the flow for another few months, please renew your subscription here.

I still haven’t received my Goodness box, can you help?

Have you searched everywhere, high and low? :)
If so, just remember that it sometimes takes up to 4-5 business days (Monday-Friday) from your expected ship date for packages to be delivered. If you're within that time frame, then your package is still on its way to you. If that time frame has passed, please contact us via our Contact Form and we will make sure to help.


I forgot my password. How can I reset it?

Reset your password by clicking on the blue Forgot Password link on the My Account page. Fill in your username or email address and an email will be sent to you with directions for changing your password. You can also change your password on your Account page.

How do I change my payment details?

If you have purchased your subscription through our site, please send us a message via our Contact Form and we will be happy to update your credit card details.

How do you restart a membership?

Ready to start receiving Goodness boxes again? Great! The best way for you to start your membership again would be to purchase a subscription from our Subscription page. Just pick any one of our plans, go through the checkout process and you're signed up again.


Delivery information

Processing times:

Our aim is to dispatch all orders within 1 working day. All orders placed before 10am will usually be dispatched the same day, and orders placed on Saturday, Sunday or on a Bank holiday will be dispatched the next working day.

***All hampers and orders are assembled to order. Please allow for extra processing and delivery time due to coronavirus situation. Find out more in our Service Update.***

Delivery times:

All of our parcels are sent via Royal Mail. Estimated delivery times are as follows after the dispatch day:

Standard delivery: 2-3 working days after the dispatch day* 

Expedited delivery: 1-2 working days after the dispatch day*

Special Guaranteed Next Day delivery**: Next Working Day after the dispatch day (order by 10am Monday - Friday)

Special Saturday Guaranteed delivery***: Saturday (order by 10am Friday)

International delivery: 5-10 working days

*For remote Scottish areas, Scottish Highlands, all UK Islands & Ireland please allow an extra 1-2 working days for delivery.

**Delivery by 5.30pm the next working day to postcodes: AB30-56, IV21-28, IV40,IV 52, IV54, KW1-14, PA28-38, PH15, 17¬26, PH31-40, PH49-50, HS1, HS3-9, IV41-51, IV55-56, KA27-28, PA20 (0-9), PA41-49, PA60, PA77, KW15, KW16 (Stromness Town only), GY9 (Alderney only), ZE1 (Lerwick), HS3 . Delivery after two working days by 5.30pm for postcodes: GY1, GY9 (Sark), HS2, PA61-75, PA78, ZE2-3. Delivery after 3 working days by 5.30pm on the third working day to postcodes: KW16-17, PH30, PH41-44.

***Saturday guaranteed delivery is not available to Herm, Sark; and for Alderney guarantee is Saturday by 5.30pm

Please note that a signature will be required upon delivery of your parcel. If you/recipient are not available to accept your delivery, the driver will leave a card informing you/recipient of how and where you can collect your parcel (i.e. local delivery office), or how to arrange re-delivery free of charge.

If you live in the United Kingdom, have missed a delivery and received a ‘Something for You' card from Royal Mail, you can book a re-delivery here

All our delivery dates are estimates and we cannot guarantee specific deadlines. Delivery delays caused by Royal Mail (or any subsequent courier used by them in order to fulfil their delivery obligations) are outside of our control and we are therefore unable to accept accountability.

International delivery: If your order does not arrive within 10 working days of receiving the dispatch confirmation email, please check at your local sorting office to see if it has been returned there, and contact us if it is still missing. Please note that we are unable to re-send parcels to international customers and can only offer a refund for the goods (ex. shipping costs) once the parcel is returned to us.

With this in mind, please be aware that you, or whoever the lucky recipient might be, may have to pay Import Duty or a Formal Customs Entry Fee upon, or prior to, delivery. If you're unsure how this will affect the overall cost of your order, please check your Local Legislation rules.

Additional delivery information: 

You may cancel or amend an order at any time before it has been processed for shipping.

All attempts will be made to deliver to the address and postcode as you have entered it. The Goodness Project is unable to accept liability for late or failed delivery due to incorrect or inaccurate information. Please ensure all address details are accurate and correct to ensure prompt delivery.

If an order is returned to us as a result of either an incorrect address, refusal to accept the delivery or failure to acknowledge cards left by delivery companies, the customer will be responsible for any additional redelivery costs incurred or we can issue a full refund excluding the original delivery cost once we have received the goods back.


I have allergies to certain ingredients, what do I do?

Unfortunately, as much as we want to, we cannot guarantee that your gift box or subscription box won't contain any of these products or ingredients. We understand that this may be hard for you to give us a try, but we hope you'll do and if you receive a product that you cannot use in your box, we recommend that you gift the product to your friends or family.

Is my box recyclable?

Recycling is an issue that we take very seriously. That is why all our packaging is made out of recycled material and is 100% recyclable. You might wonder why we use two boxes. Well, the postal box on the outside protects the Goodness box as we want to make sure that the items inside don’t get damaged.

How can I get my products into the Goodness box?

We’re always looking for new businesses that support sustainable, ethical, and healthy lifestyles. If you have a business with products you think are suitable for The Goodness Project, learn more about our partnerships on our Partner with us page.

Tell me about your charity programme.

We are currently choosing our charity for this year, please check back soon.

What if I get a box and some of the products are damaged?

While we do what we can to ensure that the products will reach you in mint condition, occasionally products do get damaged. If this happens to one of your Goodness boxes, simply take a photo of the damaged product and send it along with your name and email address to hello[at] within 48 hours of receiving your box and we'll replace the product if we can, or we will refund you the value of the product.

I am not receiving your emails/newsletters.

We send your emails to the email address that you have signed up with or placed your order with. If you cannot find our emails in your Inbox, please check your Spam or Junk folders. If you still cannot find them, please contact us at hello[at]

Corporate gifts

Send your company’s message of appreciation, goodwill or congratulation to clients, colleagues or team with tailor-made corporate gift hampers from The Goodness Project. With a range of ethically sourced and organic products, you can be sure that your corporate client will be delighted. We design our hampers specifically to your requirements and budget. We’ll ensure on-time delivery with added hand-finished touches that produce a gift that is both memorable and sure to be appreciated.

We’ve delivered breath-taking bespoke corporate gifts such as baskets, boxes and hampers on behalf of many businesses, both large and small, throughout the UK.

Make an enquiry

Office snacks

Office snacks

We deliver delicious healthy snacks and fruit boxes to offices and remote teams across the UK. Each Goodness office snack box is expertly designed by a nutritionist. Filled with a range of healthy snacks, from flapjacks to popcorn to energy packed nuts and protein bars, all from leading brands. Our corporate gift boxes are the perfect mix of tasty and healthy snacks.

From startups to national organisations we want you to think about your team and how you treat them. Make sure you’re keeping them fuelled as best you can. Our office snack delivery will provide healthy snack boxes containing proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Helping to keep your team fuller for longer, and reducing sugar cravings. Supporting them to achieve a balanced diet and helping them stay productive, not hangry.

Reward your employee's hard work, keep productivity high and you can cancel anytime. Interested? Request a quote and start your office snack box journey today!

Ask for a quote

Baileys Almande

DAIRY FREE INDULGENCE FROM BAILEYS Now available at The Goodness Project

Free from dairy, free from gluten, free from animal ingredients, but very much not free from naughty, delicious indulgence.

What is Baileys Almande?

Our dairy-free alcoholic almond drink blends sweet almond oil & almond essence (from pure crushed almonds) with a touch of real vanilla. A naughty delicious indulgence - best enjoyed over ice or in a cocktail.

Flavour notes

All the deliciousness of Baileys without the dairy. Notes of honey, a light creaminess and almond towards the end make this a perfect dairy-free indulgence.

The limited edition Baileys Almande is now available for only £19.99 per 700ml

Buy now

Surprise your loved one with our elegantly packaged limited edition Baileys Almande Hamper. The delicious hamper is filled with two bottles of dairy-free, vegan-friendly Baileys Almande and three sweet treats to make this gift an extra special one.

This exclusive Hamper is now available for £40.95

Buy now

Thank you

You will receive an order confirmation email shortly, if your order was successful. Please check your Spam folder in case our email got delivered there instead of your inbox.


Wait! Did you know that we offer a FREE Photo Gift card (worth £3.50) with every purchase?

Limited time only!

Sign up for our newsletter below for more deals and news!

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Thank you! We have you on our list.

Product shipping information

Processing time:

Our aim is to dispatch all orders within 1 working day. All orders placed before 12noon (GMT) will usually be dispatched the same day, and orders placed on Saturday, Sunday or on a Bank holiday will be dispatched the next working day. Kindly allow extra delivery time in December.

Estimated delivery times following the dispatch day:

Standard delivery*  Royal Mail 48h service

 2-3 working days 

 £4.95 or FREE on orders over £55

Expedited delivery*  Royal Mail 24h service

 1-2 working days £5.50

Next Day delivery UK only** Royal Mail Next Day delivery / DPD

 next working day  (if order by 12noon )  £ 9.95

Saturday Special Delivery UK only**

Saturday (if ordered by 12noon Friday)


International delivery              Royal Mail Tracked service

 5-10 working days

 £ 19.50    suspended until further notice

Same Day delivery in London                  contact us by 1pm Monday - Friday

 same day

 please contact us for a quote

For remote Scottish areas, Scottish Highlands, all UK Islands & Ireland please allow an extra 1-2 working days for delivery. **Delivery by 5.30pm the next working day to postcodes: AB30-56, IV21-28, IV40,IV 52, IV54, KW1-14, PA28-38, PH15, 17¬26, PH31-40, PH49-50, HS1, HS3-9, IV41-51, IV55-56, KA27-28, PA20 (0-9), PA41-49, PA60, PA77, KW15, KW16 (Stromness Town only), GY9 (Alderney only), ZE1 (Lerwick), HS3 . Delivery after two working days by 5.30pm for postcodes: GY1, GY9 (Sark), HS2, PA61-75, PA78, ZE2-3. Delivery after 3 working days by 5.30pm on the third working day to postcodes: KW16-17, PH30, PH41-44.

Disclaimer: Products: While we try to ensure that product information is correct and up to date, on occasion manufacturers may alter their ingredient lists and allergen information are liable to change. Please always read the label before consuming or using the product. Hampers: We work with many small artisan brands and on rare occasions, the hamper contents may change, due to restricted market availability. If they run out of a specific item from a hamper then we will replace it with a similar item of equal or higher value. This will not affect the hamper's dietary features.

Our Products

Discover the best vegan, natural and gluten-free products on the market. Browse our catalogue of vegan gift hampers, gluten-free hampers and boxes or find your favourite free-from products in our Shop. We handpick all the products we include in every hamper to ensure yours will be well received. Order online today with quick delivery throughout the UK.

Corporate services

Impress your clients with unique gifts and show your employees your appreciation with a wellbeing package of healthier snacks.

We believe in doing good

Here at the Goodness Project we do all everyday tasks following this simple philosophy. Join us on our journey and together we can make a difference.

Anna, Co-Founder

Our values

At the heart of everything we do are our company values. Here at The Goodness Project, we do all everyday tasks with these passions, which is why we would like to share our boxes and values with you. We care

We care about the environment and people. That is why we only work with sustainable, nature conscious businesses.

We believe

We believe in the power of communities. We believe that with ethical choices and your help, we can make this world a better place and shift mainstream demand towards healthier product options. Vote with your wallet for a better future!

We share

Sharing is caring! We encourage you to share all the goodness of the boxes with people that you love and care about. We will also donate 1% of our net profit to a charity of your choice, so the giving continues with each box.

Please don’t be shy: spread the word that we exist and that we care. Let us achieve our goals by bringing goodness to you and your loved ones!


“The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness. ”

Dalai Lama
Our friends

Our friends

Tiny Box Company Gift Boxes for jewellery, stationary, handmade gifts and more…

We at the Tiny Box Company believe that luxury and beauty need not be compromised when making ethical packaging choices. Based on this principle, we have carefully hand picked our entire range, which includes recycled jewellery boxes, recycled bags, gift packaging, rigid boxes, acid-free tissue paper, ribbon and more. If you are looking for something “outside the box”, we have extensive experience in working with customers to help them find the perfect bespoke packaging solution for their brand.

Visit website

How we curate

We have developed a unique set of guidelines for our curation process to ensure only authentic products are featured in each box. We search the market constantly to select only the best natural products that have the green light from industry experts and independent organisations. Each product falls into one or more of the following categories:

Why choose us

Simple, honest, quality service that doesn’t cost more. We only work with top suppliers, so you can be sure that the products will excite your clients. EXCLUSIVITY
Every client is unique. Need to add your logo onto the ribbon? No problem! We can include your business cards, flyers and other branded or promotion items. FLEXIBILITY
If you would like something a little different, we are more than happy to build a hamper designed just for you. CONSCIOUS APPROACH
All our packaging is made from recycled material and is fully recyclable/biodegradable. We also contribute 1% of our net profit to charity of your choice. SAFE ORDERING
We offer safe GDPR solutions you can trust. Now offering 'Choose your gift' option for orders over 200 hampers and e-gift cards launching soon! CURRENT & PREVIOUS CLIENTS
include Barclays Plc, Lush, Hilton Hotels and Resorts, Vodafone and many more.

See our exciting hamper range and SHOP NOW or contact us at
and we will get back to you shortly.

Why choose us

No more headaches in dealing with your office snacks. Order a one-off box with a click or set up a cost-effective regular delivery! PRODUCT EXPERTISE
We constantly search the market to find the best energy-boosting, natural snacks that are free from nasties and taste delicious. A mix of healthy & indulgent snacks will keep everyone at the office happy. HEALTHIER OPTION
We are committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of your business. We know from experience that balanced snack options mean staying fuelled for a long period of time. VARIETY & SELECTION We offer a huge constantly rotating product selection that your employees are guaranteed to love. Tell us what your team likes and we will curate your boxes accordingly. We can also offer vegan, gluten-free and low sugar options. SAVE TIME & MONEY
Give your employees convenient access to healthier foods so they can stay on site and to save them time and energy. FLEXIBILITY
Want regular delivery for your whole office or a one-off box to support a special event? Get in touch and we will find you the best combo for your needs. We don't require contracts or commitment, pause or cancel anytime, you are in control!

Find out more about our scrumptious snack range, click HERE 

The Raw Chocolate Co - Interview & Chocolatey Giveaway

The Raw Chocolate Co - Interview & Chocolatey Giveaway

Hello and thank you for coming to find me over on my new blog. This is a little place where I will be sharing some of the things that inspire me and The Goodness Project - the food, the brands, the people and the lifestyle.

Top 5 Vegan Friendly Christmas Gift Ideas 2017

Top 5 Vegan Friendly Christmas Gift Ideas 2017

It goes without saying that Christmas is indeed my favourite time of year. For most of us choosing that special gift for loved ones is not without its fraught, hair pulling, face grimacing moments of how can I make it thoughtful, personal or unique; all without having to endure hours of traipsing around shops, locating said thoughtful gift, wrapping it and dispatching it!

Other test

Other test

Pellentesque hendrerit nec enim in commodo. Nulla ut augue eros. Etiam non cursus arcu. Sed convallis sapien eget facilisis finibus. Ut nec felis ac mauris venenatis posuere.

Blog intro

My name is Anna and I'm the co-founder of The Goodness Project. This is a little place where I will be sharing some of the things that inspire me and The Goodness Project - the food, the brands, the people and the lifestyle. I hope you enjoy your stay! :)

Contact us

We are always happy to hear from you!

Send us a message via the Contact Form below or hello[at] and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

We are open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm GMT. We are closed on UK bank holidays.

The difference between our box sizes?

Not sure which box to sign up to? Find out the difference between our box sizes:

The difference between our boxes: blocks

Letterbox-friendly Goodness box

from £8.50

A little treat box of 4-5 different healthy snacks to energise you and discover new favourites. 

Mini Goodness box

from £9.95

The Mini box is like a taster box featuring 5-6 full-size foodie products and is a great way to discover new natural brands.

Maxi Goodness box

from £17.95

The Maxi box has 8-10 products and it contains a fuller selection of exclusive products. Body care products are featured occasionally too.

Thank you for your message

Thank you for contacting us! A team member will be in touch shortly.

Successful subscription

Successful subscription

Header inforow

CHRISTMAS SHOP now open! Order now for later delivery - available at the checkout. FREE Standard UK delivery for orders over £55.

Gordon's Ultra Low G&T

Gordon's Ultra Low G&T

GORDON’s ULTRA LOW ALCOHOL GIN & TONIC Now online on The Goodness Project

Perfectly blended with natural fruit extract to create the unmistakable taste of a Gordon's G&T with less than 0.5% alcohol and only 68kcal per serve.

How to enjoy Gordon's Ultra Low Alcohol Gin & Tonic?

There are those occasions when you don't want an alcoholic drink and for those moments, we've created NEW Gordon's Ultra-Low Alcohol Gin & Tonic drinks with a hint of grapefruit and a hint of lime. Made using Gordon's London Dry Gin distillate, and perfectly mixed with botanicals and natural fruit extract to create a drink that is not only delicious but with the unmistakable taste of Gordon's and with less than 0.5% of alcohol and only 68kcal per serve.

Gordon’s Ultra Low Alcohol Gin & Tonic is now available for only £1.49 per 250ml

Buy now

Surprise your loved one with our elegantly packaged limited edition TGP Gordon’s Ultra Low Alcohol Gin & Tonic Hamper. The delicious hamper is filled with two bottles of vegan-friendly Gordon’s Ultra Low Alcohol Gin & Tonic and four snack treats to make this gift an extra special one.

This exclusive Hamper is now available for £14.99

Buy now

Are you ready for Veganuary 2018?

Are you ready for Veganuary 2018?

The lead up to Christmas is the busiest time of year for us and by the time we've wrapped everything up for a short rest, the New Year will be here in the blink of an eye! Of course with each New Year comes the chance to reflect on the past and plan for the future. 
Self-care & LOVEly Vegan Valentine's Day gifts

Self-care & LOVEly Vegan Valentine's Day gifts

Ok, so next month is Valentine's Day and much as we believe in showing our love to others there is also a lot to be said for showing yourself a bit of love too!
Mother's Day Gifting Ideas - 2018

Mother's Day Gifting Ideas - 2018

Do not forget, it's Mother's Day next month, the 11th March to be exact, put it on your iCal, stick it on a post-it note on the fridge, but do not forget that its time to say thank you to that one person who loves you unconditionally and deserves to be spoilt rotten! So here are some of my top gift ideas, all of which are vegan-friendly of course! You can also browse our shop for a full range of vegan gifts.
The Pip Box X The Goodness Project

The Pip Box X The Goodness Project

This month we are delighted to team up with our friends over at The Pip Box for an Instagram giveaway!  Like us they want to make it easier to live a vegan lifestyle with their beautiful cruelty free beauty boxes! Earlier this month I was lucky enough to catch up with Founder Sofi Evans to find out a bit more about this great company. 
Give Peas a Chance

Give Peas a Chance

The sun has got his hat on hip hip Hippeas hooray! Sunny weather calls for sunny snacks and we are so happy to have included a tasty sample pack of Hippeas' chickpea puffs in this month's subscription boxes.

Hippeas is such a great fun brand (give peas a chance- loving that!) that is really well aligned with our mindset and ethos. We love the fact that they want to taste good and do good.

Baileys Almande is gone? Here are some alternatives.

Baileys Almande is gone? Here are some alternatives.

Remember our spring blog when we jumped for joy over the lovely big delivery from Baileys HQ of Baileys Almande?

Well, we bring bad news.

Unfortunately, it seems that Baileys Almande has been discontinued as of autumn 2021.

There's currently no way to buy it on the Baileys website, and even online superstores Amazon and Ocado show no option to purchase.

Let's go Veggie!

Let's go Veggie!

This month it’s National Vegetarian Week 14-20th May, so I thought it would be good to share some tips on ways to change your lifestyle, whether that be reducing your meat consumption or fully committing to a change of diet. I think for most of us choosing a vegetarian diet and lifestyle is because of a strong belief that is the right thing to do. Changing your lifestyle to accommodate someone else's views will be harder to achieve without your reason why!  For me reading and understanding is the first port of call and there are some great resources out there that will support your decision, try The Vegetarian Society .

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A cookie is a small text file which is downloaded and stored on your computer or mobile device by websites that you visit. Your browser accesses the cookie file only when you visit the website that generated it. This helps to ease your navigation by automatically logging you in and remembering things like your preferences and what’s in your shopping basket. Cookies allow sites like The Goodness Project to deliver you a personalised shopping experience. Without cookies, internet access would be difficult.

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You can find out more about cookies and their usage in our Privacy Policy.

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A Meaty Subject

A Meaty Subject

We will be celebrating Father’s Day later this month and it got me thinking about how men feel about veganism. I think there is a general preconception and very much outdated concept of meat being linked with masculinity. Meat eating it would seem is still seen very much as a part of a man’s identity. The Vegan Society's survey on this made interesting reading with 63 percent of people who identified as vegan being female, while only 37 percent were male. And this year for Veganuary just 14% of men took up the challenge, this was, however, a 4% rise on the previous year, so not all doom and gloom.

Fingers on the Pulsin

Fingers on the Pulsin

This month we are delighted to be running a giveaway with our friends over at Pulsin. It is such a great brand and if you subscribe to one of our monthly boxes you are sure to have tried some of their products already.  If you haven’t then why not enter our competition over on Facebook for a chance to win!

Tequila Time at TGP

Tequila Time at TGP

This month it’s National Tequila Day on the 24th July, yes you heard right, it is a thing! Tequila like many spirit drinks is gaining popularity amongst us as we seek out craft alternatives that have great provenance and are made with love and care. Don Julio is an excellent example and as a company, Don Julio has a pretty interesting history.  

Why Summer is my new resolution time

Why Summer is my new resolution time

We often associate January with being the time of year for reflection for making new plans and resolving to do things better. But my point of reflection is during these Summer months. Summer is often when we have more time to reflect that after the hectic festive period and the bright and sunny days make everything seem more possible.

Introducing Gordon's Ultra Low G&T

Introducing Gordon's Ultra Low G&T

I am super excited this month to announce our brand partnership for October with Gordon’s Ultra Low. A perfect time for those looking to drink less or looking to find some delicious alternatives to enjoy as the party season begins next month.

Personalise your gift

Personalise your gift

Personalise with fun Photo Gift Card or stylish Hot Foil Embossing!

With our new personalisation features, it has become even easier to make your Goodness gift extra special and bespoke. Choose from our new hot foil embossing and turn your hamper gifts into beautiful keepsake boxes or add our personal photo to any gift to share memories and make the receiver smile.

Our Top 5 Vegan Christmas Gift Ideas 2018

Our Top 5 Vegan Christmas Gift Ideas 2018

Let the Festivities Begin!

It’s the start of November and we can officially start to get festive! Here at The Goodness Project, we are already in full swing with packing tape at the ready, especially with lots of you already organised with your Christmas gifting! For those of you who still need some inspiration here are some of our best sellers that are sure to put a smile on a loved ones face!

Make your Gift box extra special

Make your Gift box extra special

Hot foil embossing now available!

Turn your hamper gifts into beautiful keepsake boxes with our new hot foil embossing technique to be reused and cherished by the recipient. Nothing says more you care like a personalised gift hamper filled with delicious goodies inside.

Add your unique text to any of our luxury white hampers and the recipient will treasure it forever.

High-quality hot foil print Add initials, name, date or saying Perfect for any occasion

Shop now

A Real Handful

A Real Handful

We were very excited to be running a giveaway with our friends over at Real Handful this month. If you have already subscribed to our monthly boxes, then you will have probably been treated to some of their delicious healthy snacks already. If you have yet to get your hands on their products, then look out for them in our monthly Subs Boxes!

Veganuary Challenge - Are you up for it?

Veganuary Challenge - Are you up for it?

We all know that January is associated with New Year's Resolutions but how many of these resolutions actually make a difference? Whether that difference creates a positive impact on the environment, animals, yourself or those you choose to surround yourself with. It’s also surprisingly difficult to maintain New Year’s resolutions, hence why I’ve often resorted to past resolutions I’ve made in the hope that I will actually fulfill one. Sound familiar?

January Peakz!

January Peakz!

January Peakz!

We can’t believe how fast January is flying by! For those of you who read our last blog then you will know all about Veganuary. If you’ve decided to take up the challenge we would love to hear how you’re getting on. Drop us a message or tag us in a post on any of our social media channels and let us know your fave vegan treats!

How to create a vegan Sunday roast that's bound to impress

How to create a vegan Sunday roast that's bound to impress

This month we are very happy to announce that we have a guest blog post from our friends over at Stoves! If Veganuary has left you wanting more, then Stoves have put together the ultimate vegan Sunday roast for you to follow!

3 Tips for a Vegan Mother's Day

3 Tips for a Vegan Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and it’s the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with your mom and spoil her with some gifts she’ll love. But this year, we suggest you take this opportunity to not only celebrate your mom but celebrate mother earth as well.

With so many sustainable, and cruelty-free options out there, there is no reason to let animals or the earth suffer for us.

So for this Mother’s Day, we’ve put together a few tips on how to celebrate this special day in a way that’s vegan, cruelty-free and enjoyable!

Here are our top 3 tips:

The De-stress Checklist

The De-stress Checklist

Since it’s #StressAwarenessMonth, we at The Goodness Project thought it was time we talked about stress, and more importantly, how to decrease stress.

We all know how it feels to be stressed, and how pressure can build up until it all feels too much. There's a lot of things that could happen between work and personal life and it's easy to get overwhelmed.

It’s time to pull the brakes, slow down and deal with what’s causing the sudden stress in your life. So in honour of #StressAwarenessMonth, we at The Goodness Project have created a de-stress checklist to give you some ideas on how to decrease your stress and relax.

4 Myths about Veganism

4 Myths about Veganism

There's a lot of mixed messages on the internet when it comes to veganism. So this month, we're looking into a few myths and rumours about the vegan diet in hopes that it'll to clear up some of the confusion.  

4 Tips to live with less plastic

4 Tips to live with less plastic

A plastic bag might not seem like a big deal, but over time, every piece of plastic adds up and has a huge impact on the environment.

That's why it's so important that we do what we can to limit our use of plastic. Every little action makes a difference. So in this blog post, we’re sharing 4 simple tips to live with less plastic and reduce plastic waste.

5 ways to cozy up your home in an eco-friendly way

5 ways to cozy up your home in an eco-friendly way

It feels good to redecorate once in a while. When everything remains the same for a long about of time it’s pretty easy to get tired of it. 

So today, I thought it would be nice to share some fun ways to redecorate your space without harming the environment. There’s plenty of ways to cozy up your home in an eco-friendly and sustainable way. We also have a range of eco gift boxes if you wish to send one of these as a nice house warming gift to friends or family. Or read this if you need some more eco friendly gift ideas.

Can you go vegan if you have celiac disease?

Can you go vegan if you have celiac disease?

Although a lot of vegan foods are gluten-free, there are vegan foods that do contain gluten. 

A vegan diet is based upon eating plants and excludes foods derived from animals, (this means no cheese, eggs, meat or fish.)

Veganism has had a rise in the last few years. More and more people are choosing to alter their diet to exclude foods derived from animals. But what about gluten? Can people who have celiac disease thrive on a vegan diet without it leading to nutrient deficiency? Is it possible to go vegan if you have celiac disease?

Can Vegans Keep Bees?

Can Vegans Keep Bees?

If we look at the beekeeping industry as a whole, the answer is no. Beekeeping isn't vegan. But depending on how you choose to keep bees, it can be considered a vegan practice.

We keep bees because they produce honey. Even so, there is a common misconception that though honey is made by bees, it is vegan-friendly. That is not the case. 

Standard beekeeping, (though often overlooked) is an exploitative practice.

Vegan Christmas Gift Guide: Top 20 Vegan Present Ideas

Vegan Christmas Gift Guide: Top 20 Vegan Present Ideas

Winter is approaching, and the task of finding good Christmas gifts is soon upon us. Figuring out what to give your loved ones for Christmas can be a struggle. And to make the task of finding vegan gifts a bit easier.

7 Best Eco-friendly gift ideas for Valentine’s Day 2024

7 Best Eco-friendly gift ideas for Valentine’s Day 2024

Valentine's day is the perfect excuse to spoil your loved ones, eat chocolate, and listen to cheesy music while celebrating love. But as important as it is to show love for those we care about, it's just as important that we remember to take care of the environment.

This year, invest in eco-friendly gifts for your valentine. The market for eco-friendly products is blooming, so finding the perfect gift shouldn’t be an issue.

To help, we’ve put together a list of the best eco-friendly gift ideas to make this valentine's day special. 

Shop 2

Put a smile on the face of your friends and relatives with our range of vegan gifts.

The Goodness Project delivers healthy, organic, vegan and gluten-free hampers throughout the UK perfect for Birthdays, Christmas or get well soon gifts. From Chocolates and Crisps to Vegan Panettone and Prosecco we have a range of products that make the perfect gift for the vegan in your life.

All the vegan products we include in our hampers are handpicked and regularly updated so you get the newest products available. Our hampers are the perfect gifts for him and her and can also be used as corporate gifts. Browse our vegan marketplace for even more vegan gift options you can buy online today.

Quick Links

Vegan Hampers | Gluten-free Hampers | Vegan Birthday Hamper | Vegan Chocolate Hamper

Service & Delivery update from Team TGP

Service & Delivery update from Team TGP

Latest update: 1st of April 2021

We are still sending your gifts and orders as usual during this unprecedented time. In fact, we believe now more than ever is the time for delight! It is thanks to our post heroes and amazing team we can still do this, we are taking extra precautions but wanted you to know we are here more than ever.

A few important notes remain:

As we carefully pack all gift hampers to order, some hampers may have alternative products due to delayed, limited or discontinued stock availability, however this will not affect value or special dietary features. Unfortunately we are experiencing a delivery delay with our white luxury boxes, classy grey luxury boxes are used in the meantime. Marketplace orders: In the event that your order is impacted by out of stock or unavailable product, we will contact you. Gift messages are now printed as opposed to handwritten (only photo card messages are handwritten) Royal Mail will no longer ask for a signature (contactless delivery) Please allow extra delivery time due to potential courier delays. Unfortunately, we can not guarantee delivery deadlines. Thank you for your kind patience. International delivery is temporarily suspended due to service disruptions related to the pandemic and Brexit.

We are supporting NHS staff by donating 1% of our net profit to NHS Charities Together throughout the UK lockdown, so every order is contributing to say 'Thank you' to our amazing NHS. 

Our packing and office team remains on-site following government guidelines on hygiene and safe working. Should you have any questions, please contact us via email or through our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can. 

Many thanks to all of you for your support last year, and we wish you and your families health and happiness!

Your TGP team xx

Fun Vegan Gifts You Need To Buy

Fun Vegan Gifts You Need To Buy

Bring some joy and some humour to the vegan in your life!


More and more people are turning vegan, so there has been a rise in the number of gifts for that special vegan. We’ve rounded up some of the more funny and unique vegan related products that will be sure to bring a smile and warm the hearts of your loved one. We even have a range of vegan couple gifts to explore.


Product row information 2


You can add the perfect finishing touch with a personalised gift notes. All you need to do is type your message at checkout. We will then print your message on a card and slip it inside your gift package. Alternatively, you can choose a photo gift card at the checkout with handwritten note for the perfect personal touch.


All our hampers are individually hand-packed with care. We use crisp tissue paper inside and finish off with a raffia ribbon so they will also be well received. You’ll find no invoices in our packaging either so you don’t need to worry about recipients seeing anything about prices.


Our packaging is only made from 100% recycled materials and is designed to reduce our impact on the environment, whilst also keeping our products safe as they make their way to you. It’s also fully recyclable so we can continue to minimize our impact.

Product row information 3


Give your hamper that extra special something with a personalised photo card that has been carefully written for your loved one. Don’t forget to add your note and choose this option at checkout. We’ll then take care to charmingly hand-write your message in your photo card.


Order our hampers with confidence. We take great pride and care in hand-packing all of our special gift boxes. We use high quality materials in all our hampers, with crisp tissue paper and a raffia ribbon which adds to the recipient’s excitement and joy! Oh, and don’t worry, we won’t include any invoices so your loved one won’t see any order details or pricing.


Ensuring we minimise our impact on the environment is of utmost importance at The Goodness Project. We only use 100% recycled materials, which in-turn are also fully recyclable. So our hampers have goodness inside and out!

The Growth of Veganism in the UK

The Growth of Veganism in the UK

Around the world, the human population has seen a huge rise in the popularity of the vegan diet. A vegan diet is one that relies exclusively on plant-based foods and omits any products that come from animals. For example, a vegan does not eat eggs, dairy, meat, or fish.

There are several reasons why people choose to be vegan. For some, it is part of a centuries-old cultural and religious tradition. For others, going vegan can be the right dietary choice to help inspire better eating habits. There are also those who become vegan due to moral or ethical objections to the way farm animals are raised for food in certain parts of the world.

4 Simple Vegan Meals To Try At Home Today

4 Simple Vegan Meals To Try At Home Today

Things aren't the best right now, but they will get better. It's great to see so many people coming together to help each other through these crazy times.

And we wanted to do the same, even in a small way. With lockdown in effect, you may find yourself wondering what to make for lunch or for dinner. You may have made up some wonderful concoctions of your own.

4 Easy Vegan Dessert Recipes To Try At Home Today

4 Easy Vegan Dessert Recipes To Try At Home Today

The past couple of weeks have been tough. Everyone knows it.

The lockdown has affected different people in different ways. If you're reading this things could have gone 1 of a few ways.

14 Vegan Gift Ideas for Her (She will love these)

14 Vegan Gift Ideas for Her (She will love these)

Whether it's your for your mom, sister or girlfriend getting the right gift for the women in your life is vital. That's doubled if she is vegan.

If your trawling Google for vegan gift ideas and inspiration you've come to the right place. In this blog we will detail are top picks for gifts.

Are Doritos Vegan? (3 Flavours You Can Have)

Are Doritos Vegan? (3 Flavours You Can Have)

Doritos are a great snack. Whether you’re sitting down for a night in-front of Netflix, or if you’re hosting a party, Doritos and dip make everything better.

7 Reasons You Should Go vegan

7 Reasons You Should Go vegan

It’s much more than a fad. Veganism is here to stay. With more and more high-profile people becoming began, such as Lewis Hamilton and Miley Cyrus, and with the global climate thankfully becoming more of a focus, vegans are growing in numbers.

9 Vegan Gift Ideas for Him

9 Vegan Gift Ideas for Him

Finding the perfect gift for your vegan dad, husband or friend can be quite a hunt. Of course, you want to get him something that’s thoughtful, useful, and just something better than a Lynx Box set…

Why Vegans Don't Drink Milk

Why Vegans Don't Drink Milk

It is the question that vegans get asked all the time.

“Can you drink milk?”

 It is up there with “can you eat fish?” and “can you eat cheese?”.

Is Hummus Vegan?

Is Hummus Vegan?

If you decide to turn vegan, you'll soon discover the essential need to learn what staple foods fit within your diet. What meals you can quickly make, what brands you can eat, what foods you need to cut out completely. 

The 5 Key Environmental Reasons to Go Vegan

The 5 Key Environmental Reasons to Go Vegan

The human health benefits of changing to a vegan diet are well documented as valid reasons to go vegan, but what about the added benefits of aiding the environment you coexist with?

Here are five ways you can give back to the planet, because changing to a vegan diet can...

Are Pringles Vegan? (A list of all flavours)

Are Pringles Vegan? (A list of all flavours)

The Pringle: A classic crisp staple of any buffet, or snack food. But if you’re a vegan, or you’ve just switched to a vegan diet, you might be experiencing The Pringle Pause.

Vegan Chocolate: Your Pick Me Up Guide

Vegan Chocolate: Your Pick Me Up Guide

Chocolate: It’s the versatile comfort food that’s always there for us. Whether it’s been a long day, a bad day, a stressful day, a momentous day or a happy day, whenever we reach for it, we get that same mood boosting sugar rush that sets us right again.

5 Tasty Vegan Halloween Treats

5 Tasty Vegan Halloween Treats

It’s Spooky Season! And whilst in 2020 indoor Halloween parties might not be possible, that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop.

If you’re hosting socially distanced outdoor parties or even virtual horrorfest film nights with your friends, you’ll need some vegan treats to go with those tricks and some savory to balance the sweet!

How to Shop Zero Waste & Plastic Free Gifts

How to Shop Zero Waste & Plastic Free Gifts

The war on plastic and pollutant products is more omnipresent than ever. In supermarkets up and down the country, plastic-free packaging and paper shopping bags are becoming commonplace, with two-thirds of us actively hunting out recyclable packaging.

20 Vegan Christmas Gift Ideas for 2020

20 Vegan Christmas Gift Ideas for 2020

Winter is approaching and with it, so is everyone’s favourite season of joy and merriment.

What do we mean by Free-From Foods?

What do we mean by Free-From Foods?

If you’ve been out shopping in your local supermarket or food store recently, you may have noticed that there are now whole sections dedicated to Free From products.

5 Vegan Food Trends to Watch Out For in 2024

5 Vegan Food Trends to Watch Out For in 2024

Data from Chefs Pencil, the Plant Based Foods Association and Happy Cow all found that veganism grew to brand new, record breaking heights this year.

12 of the Best Vegan Christmas Recipes

12 of the Best Vegan Christmas Recipes

No matter what type of year it has been, Christmas is a time where we can all sit back, take stock, recuperate and indulge.

Whether we just indulge in extra resting and relaxation, or whether our indulgences are slightly more sugary based, Christmas is the time to take a break before we welcome in a new year.

Vegan Statistics You Need To Know

Vegan Statistics You Need To Know

The rise of veganism hit the headlines at the beginning of this new year when it was revealed that a record breaking 500,000 people had signed up to the Veganuary challenge - double the amount of people who signed up in January 2019.

The Best Vegan Gifts for Mother's Day

The Best Vegan Gifts for Mother's Day

In the UK, March normally provides two reasons to celebrate. Firstly: The arrival of Spring with lighter days, blossoming daffodils and birds singing, and secondly: A day to celebrate our Mums - both biological and otherwise. 

7 Must Try Gluten Free Vegan Baking Recipes

7 Must Try Gluten Free Vegan Baking Recipes

Throughout 2020 home baking saw a surge in popularity with many people choosing to pick up a new skill, avoid the overcrowded supermarkets, and even keep the kids entertained!

The 5 Best Vegan and Gluten Free Easter Eggs

The 5 Best Vegan and Gluten Free Easter Eggs

Years ago, Easter presented very slim pickings for those who were vegan/and or gluten free with a sweet tooth. At best the supermarket aisle would have a selection of one or two choices, and often the online offerings weren’t readily available either, which sometimes meant looking on with envy across the Easter holiday period.

How to Create a Vegan Friendly Workplace

How to Create a Vegan Friendly Workplace

In January 2020 UK Vegan Charity, The Vegan Society, published measures that corporations could take to make vegan friendly workplaces. 

What they weren’t perhaps expecting was a global pandemic that would close offices around the world, and then in January of 2021, Veganuary reaching its highest number of participants since the event began. 

10 Scrumptious Vegan Snacks to Power You Through Work

10 Scrumptious Vegan Snacks to Power You Through Work

Quite often in times of stress, worry or lethargy at work we can be left reaching for snacks. And whilst those snacks may give us a sugar rush and taste good in the moment, the likelihood is that they’re only a temporary high and soon we’ll come crashing down, back to where we started.

Your Guide to the 10 Best Vegan Corporate Gifts

Your Guide to the 10 Best Vegan Corporate Gifts

Every business owner knows that a company is nothing without its employees, clients, or business partners. Whether you’re a huge conglomerate spanning thousands of offices, or you’re a brand new startup, you know that the ecosystem of employees, clients and stakeholders remains invaluable to the continued success of your business.

12 Thoughtful Vegan Father's Day Gifts

12 Thoughtful Vegan Father's Day Gifts

With Father's Day just around the corner, it's time to start thinking about what special vegan gift you can give to the amazing fathers in your life. Check out these 13 thoughtful vegan Father's Day gifts that are sure to make any dad smile.

The 15 Best Vegan Sweets to Buy Right Now

The 15 Best Vegan Sweets to Buy Right Now

Do you have a sweet tooth, but want to give up animal products? We've got your back! 

In this blog post, we’ve listed the 15 best vegan sweets that are currently available in 2023. 

So if you’re missing Pick n’ Mix, wondering which are the safest options in the supermarket sweet aisle, or unsure of what's good for someone who is looking for something sweet and doesn't eat animal byproducts, then our blog is about to serve as a very indulgent shopping list.

Vegan Sweets Hamper

If you want to try the best selection of vegan sweets, our hamper could be the best thing to buy! We've handpicked (and tested) these vegan sweets and included our favourites so you get the best of the bunch!

Top 10 Vegan Staycations

Top 10 Vegan Staycations

The trends for the 2021 travel season are pointing conclusively to one outcome: The rejuvenated rise of the classic British staycation.

It’s expected that in 2021 the British seaside resorts will be bustling, with some campsites in popular locations like Dorset, Devon and Cornwall reporting that they’re 300% up on bookings year on year and have had to turn away hundreds of customers due to being fully booked.

But this left us at the Goodness Project with a question: Amongst all the surge in staycation bookings, which would be the best vegan staycation for 2021?

Is Dark Chocolate Vegan? Our Top 10 Picks

Is Dark Chocolate Vegan? Our Top 10 Picks

In answer to the question “is dark chocolate vegan?” The resounding answer should be: Yes! Typically dark chocolate is made with no milk, unlike its milk and white chocolate counterparts.

Are Donuts Vegan? The Complete Lowdown + Recipe

Are Donuts Vegan? The Complete Lowdown + Recipe

To follow up on our last blog that asked whether dark chocolate was vegan or not, today we’re turning our attention to another commonly asked vegan question, and it’s to do with one of the nations favourite sweet treats: Donuts.

Is Tofu Vegan? Here's What You Need To Know

Is Tofu Vegan? Here's What You Need To Know

With veganism on the rise, more people are searching the world for nutritious and tasty meat-substitutes. Though more and more options are available in the vegan market daily, tofu is considered one of the classics when it comes to a vegetarian diet. But is tofu vegan?

Keep reading this comprehensive guide so you know if tofu is in fact vegan, plus the many benefits to tofu consumption and considerations you might need to make if you’re vegan and wanting to enjoy some delicious tofu goodness.

Everything New Vegans Should Know (Top Tips)

Everything New Vegans Should Know (Top Tips)

When you’ve just gone vegan, life can be hard. Adjusting to your new lifestyle can take some time, and learning the ins and outs of being vegan isn’t always easy.

You need to know what you can and can’t eat, learn new tasty recipes that offer up all of the nutrients you need to stay healthy while still ensuring you stick to your budget. The truth is, it can all be a little overwhelming.

Are Skittles Vegan? The Answers You Need

Are Skittles Vegan? The Answers You Need

The ultimate question for any vegan with a sweet tooth — are Skittles vegan?! With these colourful candies a favourite among sweet lovers worldwide, some vegans may be wondering if they can still partake!

At The Goodness Project, we’re experts in the world of vegan sweet treats and snacks, so we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to Skittles (and their vegan status) to help any new vegan better navigate it. Keep reading to find out more!

The 9 Best Vegan Granola Bars to Try

The 9 Best Vegan Granola Bars to Try

When you're on the go, there's often no time to cook or even eat a proper meal. You need to grab something quick and easy that will give you enough energy to last your busy day. That's why it never hurts to have some pre-packed vegan granola bars at the ready in your kitchen cupboard.

They're usually delicious, filling, easy to store, and can fill your belly without taking up the time you don't have.

Which Christmas Chocolates Are Vegan in the UK?

Which Christmas Chocolates Are Vegan in the UK?

If you're vegan, knowing which chocolates to avoid is of vital importance over the holiday season. This is because many traditional Christmas chocolates in the UK are not vegan. This includes: Lindt chocolate Santas, After Eights, many classic advent calendars, celebration boxes, and even the UKs beloved Quality Streets.

Are Sour Patch Kids Vegan?

Are Sour Patch Kids Vegan?

Sour Patch Kids are sweets that have been enjoyed by many for years, but with a spotlight being shone on the ethicality of the ingredients in what we eat, many may now choose to avoid these classic favourites.

So, are Sour Patch Kids vegan? Keep reading to find out.

Is Frosting Vegan? The 4 Best Accidental Vegan Frosting Brands

Is Frosting Vegan? The 4 Best Accidental Vegan Frosting Brands

Everything from biscuits to fudge can be made into a vegan alternative, but what about frosting? Is frosting vegan? If not, does it have vegan alternatives? As it turns out, there are quite a few vegan frosting brands out there that will allow you to enjoy your cakes without worrying about missing out on the taste you love.

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Aldi is the 'most popular supermarket for vegan food' according to Google

Aldi is the 'most popular supermarket for vegan food' according to Google

We’re recently been crunching the numbers and found that Aldi is the UK’s most Googled supermarket for Vegan food.

Analysing Google search data from the past 2 years we wanted to discover what vegan ranges are being searched for the most out of the UK's top supermarkets

9 Of The Best Eco-Friendly Gifts for Her

9 Of The Best Eco-Friendly Gifts for Her

Now more than ever it’s important to shop as eco-friendly as possible. 

Why? Because any special woman in your life deserves the gift of sustainability! Eco-friendly and plastic-free gifts offer a greener option, one that is more sustainable than most items found in the traditional market.

The 9 Healthiest Plant-Based Snacks

The 9 Healthiest Plant-Based Snacks

There is no question that people are becoming more aware of eating habits and their effects on the body. More people than ever before are trying to find ways to live healthy lifestyles, and they are finding that eating a plant-based diet is a great way to do so.

The 8 Best Vegan Easter Eggs For 2022

The 8 Best Vegan Easter Eggs For 2022

Easter is the perfect time of year to show our appreciation for all living things. And what better way to do that than with some good, vegan food! Of course, Easter eggs are an integral part of any holiday celebration, but it can be tough to find ones without milk or other animal ingredients. 

Luckily, we've done all the hard work for you — found some of the best vegan Easter eggs on the market and put them together in this handy guide.

9 Of The Best Vegan Beers To Buy in 2022

9 Of The Best Vegan Beers To Buy in 2022

There are many different types of vegan beers available on the market today. While some might argue that all beers are vegan, there are a few key ingredients that can make certain beers not vegan-friendly.

In this article, we will explore some of the best vegan beers available to buy in 2022. We will provide a list of some of our favourites, as well as nutritional information on why they are considered vegan-friendly and free-from.

We hope you enjoy this list and find the perfect vegan beer for you! Let's get started.

Subscription intro

You are one step away from your exciting food discovery journey! Each Goodness snack box will introduce you to the latest goodies, suitable for various dietary needs. Get a vegan subscription box or receive snacks that are completely gluten-free. Want to make someone's day? Give the inspiration to eat well & live better with our monthly subscription gift boxes. Each of our snack subscription boxes also makes for the perfect gift that keeps on giving!

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Love notes: corporate 1

'So grateful to Anna and team for the top-class hampers that The Goodness Project supplied for our staff at Christmas.  From start to finish, it was a pleasure to deal with this company – I gave them our budget and a rough idea of the sort of thing we were looking for, and they took it from there; selecting a lovely mix of treats that would be sure to suit most dietary needs, presenting them beautifully and dealing with all of the distribution for me, including a few last minute changes!  An exemplary service – thank you all!'

Natalie T - Tony Gee

Love notes: corporate 2

'Hey, I Just wanted to send you a message to say thank you…everything about the hamper has been fantastic. From the packaging to the wonderful contents. Its made me feel treated and so much better, and open my eyes to even more wonderful goodies I can enjoy. I will be using you in the future to make other people as happy as I have been. Thank you!'

Kathryn N - Hilton Hotels and Resorts employee

Love notes: corporate 3

'All of the gift boxes were really well received by our guests and they gave some excellent feedback, so thank you so much for your help with adding those special touches to our event.'

Sheelagh D - Lush

Is Prosecco Vegan? 5 Of The Best You Can Buy

Is Prosecco Vegan? 5 Of The Best You Can Buy

Prosecco may be just the sparkling treat you're looking forward to this summer, but is it vegan? And if not, what are the best options?

The 5 Quick Ways to Tell If Your Wine is Vegan

The 5 Quick Ways to Tell If Your Wine is Vegan

Many people don’t realise that wine isn’t always a vegan-friendly beverage. In fact, the process of making wine often involves using animal products.

But don’t worry, there are still plenty of delicious vegan wines out there!

Your Guide To Giving Tax-Free Gifts To Employees

Your Guide To Giving Tax-Free Gifts To Employees

Did you know that you can give tax-free gifts to your employees? It's true! There are a few restrictions, but overall, it is a great way to show your appreciation for a job well done or to reward someone for going above and beyond.

The 7 Best Reusable Accessories You Need

The 7 Best Reusable Accessories You Need

Do you make a conscious effort to shop green and reduce your environmental impact? If so, congrats! You're part of the growing number of people who are doing their part to help our planet. One way to take your eco-friendly shopping up a notch is to purchase reusable accessories.

6 Of The Best Vegan Cheeses Around

6 Of The Best Vegan Cheeses Around

Just because you've gone vegan doesn't mean you have to miss out on one of life's great pleasures: eating cheese. Fortunately, there are now plenty of delicious vegan cheeses available, made from a variety of plant-based ingredients.

Vegan Party Ideas: 20 Creative Tips to Wow Your Guests

Vegan Party Ideas: 20 Creative Tips to Wow Your Guests

If you're going to a vegan party, the panic may have set in about what to bring. If you don't want to show up empty-handed, or with something that's not going to be well received, don't worry.

We've got you covered with this handy list of ideas for what to bring to a vegan party that will be sure to please both vegans and non-vegans alike.

Creating the Perfect Vegan Summer Picnic Hamper (2024)

Creating the Perfect Vegan Summer Picnic Hamper (2024)

One question that might be on your mind this summer is: what makes the perfect vegan summer picnic hamper?

The Goodness Project Affiliate Programme

If you have your own website, blog or you are an influencer or Youtuber why not join The Goodness Project's amazing affiliate program today and earn a commission without the hassle of having to deal with customers and fulfilment?

Affiliates get a set commission for every sale that is made through their platforms. All you have to do is place a text link or banner on your site and when a customer clicks through and makes a purchase, you get a commission. We offer free tracking tools, notification of specials/sales, free coupons and more for our affiliates.

The Goodness Project is a highly regarded, independent, family-owned e-commerce platform offering quality free-from gifts, subscription boxes and healthy office supplies.

Our aim is to bring the best vegan, plant-based, organic, natural and free-from products and fantastic sustainable gifts to you and your loved one's doorstep to enjoy.

Our elegant hampers and unique gift boxes are filled with some of the best award-winning products.

Since 2014 we have been featured in countless online and offline media as one of the best free-from platforms for quality gifts, such as InStyle, The Independent, The Telegraph, Buzz Feed, Women’s Health, Vegan Living, Vogue and many more.

With every order you make, WE PLANT A TREE on our customer's behalf through Ecologi.


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The Goodness Project's affiliate programs are available on our partner platform AWIN. This network tracks sales, earnings and commissions and gives affiliates access to our banners and text links. You can easily sign up and join our programme here.

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The Goodness Project program has a closed PPC policy. Affiliates are asked not to use the display URL for any PPC advertisements in all search engines (including brand or generic terms) unless they have been given permission by the account manager. However, affiliates are allowed to use their own display URLs to bid on brand and generic terms in all search engines.

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We encourage affiliates to contact us for exclusive vouchers/discount codes and additional incentives. Affiliates are only permitted to promote codes issued specifically to them. The Goodness Project reserves the right to decline commission related to voucher abuse.

Delivery information

Processing time:

Our aim is to dispatch all orders within 1 working day. All orders placed before 12noon (GMT) will usually be dispatched the same day, and orders placed on Saturday, Sunday or on a Bank holiday will be dispatched the next working day. Please allow extra delivery time during the busy festive period.

Estimated delivery times following the dispatch day:

Standard delivery*  Royal Mail 48h service

 2-3 working days 

 £4.95 or FREE on orders over £55

Expedited delivery*  Royal Mail 24h service

 1-2 working days £5.50

Next Day delivery UK only** Royal Mail Next Day delivery / DPD

next working day  (if ordered by 12 noon )  £ 9.95

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Saturday (if ordered by 12 noon Friday)


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 5-10 working days

 £ 19.50    suspended until further notice

Same Day delivery in London                  contact us by 1pm Monday - Friday

 same day

 please contact us for a quote

For remote Scottish areas, Scottish Highlands, all UK Islands & Ireland please allow an extra 1-2 working days for delivery. **Delivery by 5.30pm the next working day to postcodes: AB30-56, IV21-28, IV40,IV 52, IV54, KW1-14, PA28-38, PH15, 17¬26, PH31-40, PH49-50, HS1, HS3-9, IV41-51, IV55-56, KA27-28, PA20 (0-9), PA41-49, PA60, PA77, KW15, KW16 (Stromness Town only), GY9 (Alderney only), ZE1 (Lerwick), HS3 . Delivery after two working days by 5.30pm for postcodes: GY1, GY9 (Sark), HS2, PA61-75, PA78, ZE2-3. Delivery after 3 working days by 5.30pm on the third working day to postcodes: KW16-17, PH30, PH41-44.

The 5 Best Gluten-Free Crisps

The 5 Best Gluten-Free Crisps

If you stick to a gluten-free diet, at some point you've likely wondered - which crisps can I eat? It can be tricky or time consuming to find good gluten-free options, but luckily we've got you covered.

The 6 Best Gift Hampers For New Parents

The 6 Best Gift Hampers For New Parents

Though buying a gift for a new parent can be a lovely way to show you care, it can be tough to decide what new parents really need. And, with so many different types of gifts on the market, it can be hard to know where to start.

Christmas Gift Boxes For Employees

Sending Christmas gift boxes to your employees has never been easier. We have a range of ready to go employee gift boxes you can order online right now, or alternatively you can create a custom order and request a quote.

With a range of ethically sourced and organic products, you can be sure that your employees will be delighted. We design our gift boxes specifically to your requirements and budget. We’ll ensure on-time delivery with added hand-finished touches that produce a gift that is both memorable and sure to be appreciated.

Make an enquiry

The 7 Best Gifts For Healthy Eaters

The 7 Best Gifts For Healthy Eaters

When it comes to healthy eating, there are a few things that people tend to get wrong.

For one, they might think that healthy eating means giving up all of their favourite foods and living on bland, boring salads for the rest of their lives. And for another, they think that healthy eating is expensive and time consuming.

5 Top Tips For A Sustainable Staycation And Your Chance To WIN

5 Top Tips For A Sustainable Staycation And Your Chance To WIN

While we know how important it is to spend time with loved ones, it’s also crucial that we consider the environmental impact of our activities, to ensure a brighter future for our planet.

Whether soaking up the scenery of Scotland or indulging in a coastal break in Cornwall, there are so many different ways that we can look after our environment whilst exploring the wonderful world around us on an eco-friendly holiday.

Sykes Holiday Cottages are here to offer their 5 top tips on how to be more sustainable on your staycation.

The Best Healthy Office Snacks For 2024

The Best Healthy Office Snacks For 2024

We are all aware of how challenging it may be to eat well while working. It takes too much willpower to resist the steady supply of sugary, trans-fat-filled healthy snacks for the office that are kept out on the breakroom table. If only the human brain was programmed to feel this way about fresh fruit and trail mix!

Thoughtful & Sustainable Gift Ideas for Your Employees

Thoughtful & Sustainable Gift Ideas for Your Employees

Employee appreciation gifts are a great way to boost workplace morale as well as showing your employees that you really appreciate how hard they work and you genuinely care about their well-being!

6 Vegan Hamper Ideas You Need To Try

6 Vegan Hamper Ideas You Need To Try

Who wouldn't appreciate receiving a handcrafted and well chosen vegan hamper for their birthday party, Christmas, housewarming, or just because?

The 8 Best Eco-Friendly Gift Ideas For 2024

The 8 Best Eco-Friendly Gift Ideas For 2024

Everyone who buys gifts for others has experienced the wonderful sense of finding the ideal present. But what if there was a method to increase that happiness twofold? Giving eco-friendly gifts is a wonderful way to show someone special in your life that you care about them while also doing your part to protect the environment.

8 Sustainable & Ethical Wedding Gifts For Couples

8 Sustainable & Ethical Wedding Gifts For Couples

More and more couples are deciding to include environmentally friendly items on their wedding gift lists these days. In fact, in a recent survey 98% of couples said that sustainability was a factor when planning their wedding.

The 5 Best Corporate Gifts For Clients

The 5 Best Corporate Gifts For Clients

The best corporate presents leave a lasting impact and support the growth of solid, enduring company ties. Sending a gift basket is simple, but sending the ideal present and taking the time to think it through will make a lasting impression.

6 Ethical Valentine's Day Gifts For Your Loved One

6 Ethical Valentine's Day Gifts For Your Loved One

It might be time to start thinking about and anticipating Valentine's Day if you need some happiness and positive vibes to get you through the rest of the winter.

The 7 Best Sustainable Beauty Gifts & Companies To Try

The 7 Best Sustainable Beauty Gifts & Companies To Try

We may rely on gifts more than usual to compensate for the last few years and truly treat ourselves and others. But it doesn't mean we should overindulge, because that's the last thing the environment needs, particularly in the beauty gift sector.

Toby Tiger x TGP Veganuary Giveaway!

Toby Tiger x TGP Veganuary Giveaway!


The 6 Best Natural & Organic Skincare Ingredients

The 6 Best Natural & Organic Skincare Ingredients

Every year, an increasing number of consumers turn to natural ingredients for their skincare needs. Unmodified and organic substances are currently at the forefront of skincare and beauty research, whether in home-made therapies, high-street goods, or spa treatments.

Cruelty-Free vs Vegan: What's the Difference?

Cruelty-Free vs Vegan: What's the Difference?

The terms "cruelty-free" and "vegan" have gained popularity over the past few years as customer demand for animal cruelty-free cosmetics increases and a flood of new cosmetic items from independent and well-known firms sport these labels.

The 7 Best Everyday Eco-Friendly Products For 2024

The 7 Best Everyday Eco-Friendly Products For 2024

It isn't an overstatement to suggest that we are using too much single-use plastic. Only 3 million tons of plastic were recovered in 2018, while 27 million tons were dumped in landfills, according to the EPA. Additionally, this does not take into consideration the staggering amounts of unprocessed plastic waste that is dumped on land and in our waterways and seas.

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Thank you for your request! One of our team members will be in touch soon.

8 Sustainable Home Decor Ideas & Brands To Shop

8 Sustainable Home Decor Ideas & Brands To Shop

There is nothing that makes a house feel more like a home than packing it full of the people we cherish and everyday items that reveal the meticulous craftsmanship behind them. These companies are setting the bar for creating expertly crafted home goods with inspiration from around the world.

8 Delightful Organic Food Gifts for 2024: For Every Occasion

8 Delightful Organic Food Gifts for 2024: For Every Occasion

There's nothing better than receiving a delicious food hamper full to the brim with your favourite treats – except, of course, when they're organic treats!

Employee Gift Boxes

Sending employee gift boxes to your team couldn’t be simpler, whether you’re looking for ready-made boxes you can buy online, or custom boxes made to order we can ensure your team get the best gift box they have ever received. Our gift boxes are perfect for small and big teams, and we can handle bulk orders if needed.

We pride ourselves on having a range of ethically sourced and sustainable products that your team will love to receive. Our custom orders are designed specifically to meet your requirements and budget, and we’ll ensure on time delivery. Our team take that time to add hand-finished touches to each box to produce a gift box that is both memorable and sure to be appreciated.

Enquire now 

Fueling Your Team: How to Choose the Perfect Office Snack Supplier?

Fueling Your Team: How to Choose the Perfect Office Snack Supplier?

Keeping a team motivated and invigorated throughout the day is key for office managers, personal assistants, HR personnel, and receptionists. The provision of nutritious and enjoyable snacks throughout the workday can invigorate your team, improving both morale and productivity. More than this, it can contribute to building a workplace culture that employees want to be part of.

However, the question that arises is this: how can you ensure that you're choosing the best office snack delivery for your team?

7 Plastic-Free Zero-Waste Gift Ideas To Try This Year

7 Plastic-Free Zero-Waste Gift Ideas To Try This Year

Gift-giving can be difficult for anyone. 

Once you start looking, it becomes much more difficult to come up with eco-friendly, zero-waste gifts. It can also be hard to remember to choose products that will ultimately do little to no harm to our environment as you celebrate key occasions and seasons with those you love in your life

6 Organic Gift Ideas Perfect For a Tea Lover

6 Organic Gift Ideas Perfect For a Tea Lover

There's nothing better than a warming cup of tea after a stressful day at work or an exhausting day out! However, all you tea lovers out there know there's more to tea drinking than just a builder's brew.

8 Creative & Ethical Corporate Gift Basket Ideas

8 Creative & Ethical Corporate Gift Basket Ideas

A beautifully assembled corporate gift basket can leave a lasting impression on clients and co-workers when it comes to corporate gifts. You can show thanks, improve connections, and make an impact with a thoughtful choice of gifts.

9 Best Vegan Advent Calendars

9 Best Vegan Advent Calendars

Christmas is approaching, which means it's time to select your vegan advent calendar for 2023! There's a vegan advent calendar for everyone, from vegan tea calendars to chocolate calendars.

We're once again spoiled for choice, with a plethora of festive vegan advent calendars available for both adults and children.Whether you're a beauty junkie seeking for new cruelty-free products to try over the holidays or you need a daily fix of chocolatey goodness, there's a vegan advent calendar for you.

12 Eco-Friendly Christmas Gift Ideas

12 Eco-Friendly Christmas Gift Ideas

Knowing that your eco-friendly gifts are contributing to a better future is what makes giving gifts more joyful.

Let's be honest. The excessively consumerism of the holiday season makes it anything but a holiday for the environment, as many gifts go unopened or wasted.

5 Top Online Vegan Cooking Classes

5 Top Online Vegan Cooking Classes

Today, we are turning our focus to the culinary world, exploring how you can enhance your plant-based cooking skills with the best vegan cooking classes out there. Whether you're a seasoned vegan chef or new to the plant-based lifestyle, there is always room to learn, experiment, and grow in your culinary journey.

10 Christmas Gift Ideas For Employees & Colleagues

10 Christmas Gift Ideas For Employees & Colleagues

Once again, it's that time of year when you just want to curl up in bed and let the festive season begin! The Christmas season draws near, just as cold as it gets outside. The celebration of savouring wonderful food and exchanging gifts with our loved ones as a way of showing them how much we care.

The 10 Best Corporate Gift Ideas For Clients

The 10 Best Corporate Gift Ideas For Clients

Christmas may be over, but that's no reason to stop giving corporate gifts for clients! Start the new year off the right way by showing how much you appreciate your clients with a thoughtful and creative gift basket, the best corporate gifts are the unexpected ones!

10 Best Office Staff Gifts For Coworkers & Employees

10 Best Office Staff Gifts For Coworkers & Employees

In the hustle and bustle of the corporate world, it's essential to foster a culture of appreciation and camaraderie among colleagues. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through the exchange of corporate gifts. However, finding the perfect gift that embodies thoughtfulness, practicality, and health consciousness can be a daunting task. That's where we come in!

14 Gift Basket Business Statistics [2024]

14 Gift Basket Business Statistics [2024]

Welcome to the exciting world of business gift baskets! Whether it’s for a special occasion or a simple gesture of appreciation, gift baskets have always been a popular choice. 

The Ultimate Office Snack Guide: Healthy Ideas for 2024

The Ultimate Office Snack Guide: Healthy Ideas for 2024

We've all experienced it: whether it's boredom or stress driving us to meet that 4 PM deadline, reaching for the snack bowl becomes almost instinctual. Despite our best intentions, the temptation of office snacks proves too strong to resist.

11 Reasons To Start Giving Corporate Gifts

11 Reasons To Start Giving Corporate Gifts

Corporate gifts might seem like just another business tradition, but they’ve got the power to do so much more. Imagine turning a simple gesture into a relationship-boosting, smile-inducing act of kindness.

A Complete Guide To Corporate Gifting (With Examples)

A Complete Guide To Corporate Gifting (With Examples)

Giving a gift in the corporate world is more than just an obligatory exchange, it’s an art that can foster relationships, boost morale, and showcase your company’s appreciation.

10 Best Letterbox Gifts Ideas & What To Put in Them

10 Best Letterbox Gifts Ideas & What To Put in Them

Letterbox gifts have taken the gifting world by storm, making it incredibly easy to send a bundle of joy directly to someone’s door. Imagine the excitement of your lucky recipient as they receive a perfectly wrapped surprise, effortlessly slipped through their letterbox.

9 Best Sustainable Beauty Products To Try This Year

9 Best Sustainable Beauty Products To Try This Year

Sustainability is more than a buzzword; it’s a lifestyle choice that’s transforming the beauty industry. In fact, 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products, highlighting a significant shift in consumer priorities towards environmentally friendly choices.

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